Chapter 8

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A/N: First of all, HOLY SHIT . THANKS FOR 2000 READS♡
Second of all, my uploading may be slow cause of exams xx
Axels POV.
"Hello Axel," i hear. A deep but calm voice greets me.

"Mm?" I say, i dont want to get myself into more trouble. I turn around to see a tall man in his late 20s towering over me. "Hi," i say, suddenly shy.

"I hear you have been causing quite the problem in my school. Can you please explain yourself?" The man asks after he takes a seat at his desk.

I just stare, waiting by the door. This man makes me feel small and inferior, and im kind of regretting my decisions.

"Nothing, you should probably expell me for such behavior." I cut to the chase. I mean, seriously, no use beating round the bush, right?

"No, i already know your plan, and that is not going to turn out very well for you, bub. Come here." He says quietly and calmly.

Who the actual fuck is "bub"? It better not be me or this little shit is going to have a bruised jaw.

"Who the fuck you calling bub?" I say with sudden confidence. Who does this oaf thing he is?

He gives me a sturn glance that actually kind of worries me, " language Axel. Cone has a seat here. Now."

I sigh and roll my eyes. Ok, who pissed in his bed? Seriously.

I take a seat in front of him, and he glances at a paper in front of him.

"I have had several complaints about you, Axel, and im quite disappointed.  I know it's only your first week, but this is not necessary. I know you're dping thus to get kicked out,love. It's not going to work. Since Sebastián couldn't help and it will take a while till you get a real dom, i will be your acting dom from now on. Everything goes through me. I know you may not know exactly what this means, but I'll explain later."

Oh i think the fuck not. Thanks though.

"Fuck no" i say. Im not going to let this strangly gorgeous man, who is the principal,  step over me. Im getting out of here. And can someone please explain to me what the bloody hell a dom is?

These thoughts race through me as my anger arises.

"Strike one. Swear one more time. I dear you." Mr Principle says woth a smirk very evident on his face.

I give him a snarky look. "Or what?"

"Oh, you're not going to like that outcome very much love ill promise you that. Now go to your dorm and get rest. Come to my office later today so we can discuss the new arrangement. Afterward, you will proceed back to class."

I groan. Well fuck my life.

I leave his office in a fowl mood. Is it that hard to kick someone out? Now im being sent to my dorm like im in timeout!

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