Chapter 3

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Axel's POV.

"Hey, wake up, bud." I hear someone wisper while unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Fuck off" i say, irritated that someone was bothering me and my beauty sleep.

I then feel myself being lifted and carried somewhere.

"What,WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream and try my best to get this persons grubby paws off of me. I finally fall to the ground, luckily landing on my feet and glare at the person who pucked me up. It was Zavier.

"Who the hell said you could pick me up?" I asked with an attitude.

Zavier looked back at me with an annoyed expression."If i were your dom, i would've punished you a long time ago for your disgusting language." He threatens.

I knew exactly what a dom was. I knew what DDLG/DDLB was. In the years we are in now, it has become the "norm," but you better rhink twice before you start thinking im going to get involved with that stuff.

He grabs my arm and starts leading me into a huge castle like buliding.

"Woah"...iv never even seen a place this posh. Iv have always been in the streets, alleys, and sewers because my mom could care less.

He takes me to a reception looking desk with a kind, old looking woman behind it.

"Zavier.. back so late?" She asks with a smile. "Ah yes, last trip for the night."

"Alright, just give me his name, and you can send him to the obedience hall." She says.

What the fuck is a "Obedience hall" i ask myself.

"Thanks, Aunt Jen." He says with a small smile.


He writes my name down and leads me up some stairs to a huge door.

"Alright, before we go in, i need to explain some things to you so you dont cause shit. There are 3 fazes here at LOA. The first faze is obedience, which is where you first come here and spend 6 weeks in. It's where you will learn to behave enough for us to train you, getting rid of your bad attitudes. The second faze is called "Littles." This faze is where you spend 2 months learning to submit and get rid of your bad habits and tendencies. Im sure you know what a little is, Axel. And lastly is "Finals" where you will spend 1 year here going to normal classes and courses but also having a dorm with your dom and having extra classes with them. Questions?" He asks me.

What. A. Bloody. Joke. I let out a half laugh and shake my head. Im lost for words this is so fucked. Im spending more than a year here.

He takes me through the door, which reveals a large passage filled with doors left and right.

He walks down the hall to the last dorm, number 987, since we were obviously on the top floor.

"This is your official dorm number. Here is your key. We already got luggage for you inside and your uniform. You start tomorrow, get to the dining hall by 8 am." He instructs me.

I roll my eyes and start to open the door, already planning an escape." Dont even think about escaping. Remember, our academy is made for people like you. Ots heavily guarded, and your windows have a special lock that will only be removed once you move to your doms dorm. More shall be explained to you tomorrow."

"Jeesh," i sigh and shut my door. What a long day. I look through my luggage for some pajamas and head to bed.

Shit what did i get myself into.

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