Chapter 1

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Axel's POV.

"Junkies' name is Dave Voc, owes 1000$ for over 100 grams. Lives in King County Street, number 4."

My friend Will reports, who is also a member of my crew. "Why the fuck does he owe me so much?" I ask. Nobody lives over 500$ in debt to me.

"Got away with it, im guessing. Let's get this idiot before the sun sets." Harley replies to me.

I grab my bat and finish my joint in the alley we currently are in. "Fuck sake" i mumble.

Suddenly, i hear familier sirens. Police sirens. "Scatter!"i order and start climbing the ladder that leads to the roof of whatever building connected to the alley.

I run, i can't do this shit today, I've been known as the neighborhood trouble, not only that but the station being a very familiar place to me. Somewhere, i would appreciate not landing up today. The fuck we do this time?

I jump from roof to roof, not knowing where i was going but whatever. Then i hear it, the loud speaker from a microphone, "Damn it, Axel, just get down here." A familier voice demands me.

My "favorite" police officer is here. YaAaYy. I roll my eyes. "Hell no!" I yell for him to hear. I keep jumping roofs until i think it's clear to get down. As im about to touch ground, i hear someone clear their throat.

"Im actually sick of you. Seriously, Axel? Again?" The said officer, Eddy, scolds me. "Oh, come on, Ed, that was fun, right? You need the exercise anyway." I say with a cheeky smirk, trying to soften up the dude.

He gives me a pitty look. I hate it. "How's your mom doing?" He asks. "Gee, thanks im right here. Couldn't you ask me that first?" He rolls his eyes and grabs my shoulder, "Yup, i thought as much, " refurring to me not answering his question.

"Come on, you know i have to take you to the station. Sign you in and take you home." I roll my eyes as we head towards his car. "Please just let me go this once?" I try.

Eddy was not a small dude. He was built and towerd over my 5'11 "frame. He was fit, but i teased him anyway. I knew he would force me if needed, so i go with the second option.. asking. Fuck im such a loser.

"No, now get your ass in the car. im sick of you, Axel. No, im actually disappointed. You promised me over and over that this wouldn't happen, and here we are."

"You try being a teen with a mother who dont give a fuck and come back to me" i state with a bitter tone.

"He gives me a sad look followed by a heavy, tired sigh. "I think im going to have to call LOA this time Axel..i cant do this everyday."

My eyes widen and i start to struggle, "get the hell away from me! Im not going to that dumbass place!" I start screaming but his hold is to firm as he forces me into his car.

He starts the car heading to the station with me still screaming in the back for him to go to hell and to be realesed. Even if i was put in that hell, my friends would get me out, but that's just an extra job.

Everyone in the city knows LOA. A prestigious academy for troubled, misbehaved teens. No, one really wants to end up there, lucky me.

Littles Obedience Academyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें