2nd suspension - 7 years old

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Y/n attends a special school where students are put into classes based off their intelligence rather than their age. Y/n is in a class with Mostly 10 and 11 year olds. (First suspension is in chapter 19 of my book).

Also contains swearing but I've put asterisks through the words.

Word count: 2,200


You hated school. Granted, it got better after the first incident in the very first week you'd started. But that was basically two whole years ago. Maybe a bit less if you don't round it up, but it only makes sense if you do.

In that suspension, you got bored in class and swore at your teacher... multiple times, before running away, stealing some books, and finally, hiding in Miss Courts office.

It was her that ended up making the last two years bearable for you and your family. The classes challenged you more and you could leave whenever you felt like hitting someone.

You were getting better at controlling your anger but as a cranky super soldier with trauma, it was still a work in progress.

Which brings you to today. As you held a much larger twelve year old boy to the lunch table by the scruff of his blazer.

"Don't touch him again b*itch!" You said in warning as he held his hands up and showed slight fear in his eyes.

"Y/n, LET THAT BOY GO!!" You heard a man yell across the cafeteria.

If you back up slightly to the last lesson before lunch, you'll have a better idea of what happened here.

It was science, one of the better classes in your schedule but still tedious. Especially with the 'class clown' Ben Hooper there to make everyone's lives more difficult. You thought class clowns were meant to tell jokes, not be one!

Anyway, he was twelve years old and the oldest kid in the year. He wasn't very smart and he didn't even try to get better, he just spent his days making fun of every single person except his two followers.

Everyone hated him and it was clear why.

Your teacher that day was talking about the assimilation of digested food molecules into cells, but you were just trying to stare out of the window as Bruce had already told you all about that during a meal time once.

But as you watched the trees sway in the distance, you were rudely interrupted by a voice on the other side of the room.

"Stop, get away from me!" A small boy squealed.

You looked over to see a much smaller boy struggle to get out his chair and avoid a worm dangling in his face by Ben.

The younger was clearly distressed and his words were being completely ignored.

"BEN! Stop it, I'm teaching", said a voice from the front, who quickly went back to talking about the intestines. Ben didn't even put the worm away and continued to dangle it around.

The small boy, Alex you think his name was, now seemed too scared to say anything in the worry he would disrupt the class.

Eventually, he seemed to get bored and threw the worm into a Bunsen burner he'd decided to turn on.

This kid was definitely a psychopath, he's got all the markers.

For the next hour You watched as he pretended to burn Alex with the fire in front of him.

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