[36]"Have a good day"

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After spending hours out on your new swing, you trudged inside and fell onto the sofa putting on a film before you dozed off. The dreams started again causing you to squirm and breathe rapidly before shooting up. Thankfully no one was there, you were very lucky the tower was quiet today, normally there are a few people here in the evenings. Just as you calmed down your dads walked in, Bucky came to sit next to you and Steve pottered around the kitchen. You struggled to keep your eyes open as you snuggled slightly into your dad. He brushed his thumb gently over the top of one of your hands and just as you'd drifted off Tony barged in. "Hey cap, Barnes. Could you possibly have Pete tonight? May has been called into work and i have meetings".
Bucky looked to the other with a small nod and Steve agreed, "yea sure, do you want us to wait for him?"
"No Happy will bring him round at about 7 if that's ok?"
"Sounds like a plan"

A little while later you found yourself walking to the car to go home. Peter was staying round which normally would have been very exciting especially because it was a school night, but with everything going on you just didn't have the effort for it.
You got home and started making the top bunk so it was ready for him, putting on a sheet and duvet. Before you knew it the doorbell rang. "Hi sir!" Peter beamed at Steve, "thank you for letting me stay".
"No problem buddy", he chuckled waving over to Happy. "Y/n's in her room, dinner should be ready in ten minutes"
"Ok thank you!" Peter replied, rushing up the stairs.

"Hey Pete!" You said looking up from your desk as he hopped straight into the top bunk.
"Hey y/n! I heard you got sent home on Friday"
You shrugged, "yea but everything's fine"
He nodded and spent a few minutes getting his stuff ready. "Woah!" You turned back around to see what caught his interest, when you saw him staring at your drawings. "Are these plans for realistic prosthetics?"
You nodded and spoke a lot calmer than he did, "yea I'm trying to find a way for the human nerves to wrap around the metal so it looks real and feels real to".
He looked amazed, "is that even possible?"
"I don't know, I haven't found anyone to test it on yet, I don't think my dad would be very cooperative. Hopefully one day it will work".
Pete quickly glanced at the other pages until you were called to dinner.

As usual you sat at the table. Bucky had cooked spaghetti bolognese and was dishing it up whilst Peter happily chatted to Steve. The entire dinner went the same as it had been recently, the others talked amongst themselves while you tried to stay out of it. Pete eventually started talking about his science fair project once again so there was no shutting him up now, although your dads seemed to enjoy hearing about it. You picked through your plate of spaghetti, occasionally eating pieces meanwhile Pete was on his third serving, somehow making time to eat between his ramblings. "But that's not even the best bit!" You briefly heard him shout.

When dinner was finally over you only had a small amount of time before you'd have to go to bed. Peter wanted to play monopoly but that was the last thing you wanted to do so you both settled on Jenga.
Taking it in turns to pull out a small rectangular block and placing it back on top. The first game took a surprisingly long time but finally, as you pulled a piece of wood out from the bottom of the tower, it fell and crashed to the floor. It was a lot louder than expected and made you flinch when the sound filled your ears. You tried to stay calm as the ringing slowly got quieter before it faded. Taking a deep breath, you bent down to help an oblivious Peter pick up the rest of the blocks. That went on a few times, the tower would fall and you tried not to scrunch your eyes shut and hold your ears.
"Time for bed!" Steve shouted from the other room, and you had not felt this relieved to sleep for over a week.

Quickly getting into the bottom bunk you settled in under the fluffy duvet and patted the pillow down so it wasn't as high. All in the hopes Peter would think you would be too tired to talk. Luckily he walked back in yawning and hopped straight into the top bunk.
"Thanks for letting me stay y/n" he mumbled, already falling asleep.
"It's no problem Pete" you replied with a slight smile, even though he wouldn't be able to see it.

Within minutes he was lightly snoring. His brown, slightly curled hair almost covered his eyes and one of his arms pushed through the bars and hung over the side of the bed.
It hadn't actually occurred to you yet that if you fell asleep he might see you having a nightmare. This whole situation was a nightmare. You couldn't just not sleep, you'd be in an even worse mood but you couldn't fall into a deep sleep or they might come back. At some point, after hours of staring at the wooden slats above, you must have closed your eyes. Because Peter awoke to small whimpers. It took a while for him to fully process if he was hearing something or if it was a dream. But once he shook the sleep away he instantly realised it was you. Peering over the edge, he saw you fidgeting. The duvet thrown off and now lay on the floor, your forehead shone in the slight glow that came through the curtains and your face scrunched. He didn't know what to do, just sat motionless. It looked as if you were in pain, with small tears on your face and your fists clenched by your sides.
He really wanted to wake you but knew you wouldn't want him to see you. So he did what he thought would be best and pushed a book over the edge so it slammed into the floor, before quickly turning over and pretending to sleep.

You suddenly sat up with the images still in front of you. Shaking your head you scrunched your eyes and took a breath. You slowly opened them again to see you were back in your room. You noticed a book in the middle of the room and suddenly remembered Peter was here. Your breath hitched as you went silent, trying to hear for even the faintest sound that indicated he might be awake. You thought you might faint with relief when you heard his light snores from above.

Pete was still listening and he was certain you'd woken up. He was still debating whether or not to tell you he knew, he wanted to make sure you were alright. But he also knew you wouldn't talk about it, so he said nothing and after a long time fell back to sleep.
You must have been awake for hours more, every so often slipping into a sleep for a few minutes before your body jolted awake. And by morning your eyes stung, they appeared slightly red so you splashed yourself with cold water trying to make you look more alive than you felt.

You both got ready for school and are now sat in the kitchen while Pete eats breakfast. He kept glancing over to you, trying to work out if you were ok. He didn't want to say anything to your dads yet and instead hoped you would bring it up today. He thought maybe starting a conversation would help, "it's coopers first basketball game today" he said excitedly.
You internally groaned and tried to make your words sound as excited as possible, "oh really is that today?"
"Yea this afternoon after lunch. It's during school time but Sam heard that we can watch instead of doing our study session!"
You made a fake look of amusement as you tried to smile, who has a basketball game on a Monday afternoon?!

"That sounds fun" said Steve as he entered the room. "Are you going y/n?"
You tried to give him the stare but he was either oblivious or ignoring you, "yea I told cooper I would", you tried very hard to make sure no annoyance were laced in the words.
He seemed to be happy about it though so you dropped your eyes back down and ignored the rest of the conversation. Steve noticed you looked more tired than usual this morning so he walked over and side hugged you, pulling you in whilst still talking to peter.
"If you want a partner for the science fair why don't you just go with Sam?"
"I was" said Peter, "but the project I want to do, he doesn't know much about but I really really want to do it but he's not that interested". He finally took a breath after speaking so fast and dropped his head into his hands trying to figure out what to do.
"Why don't you and y/n-"
"No" you interrupted Steve very adamant you did not want to take part in the science fair.
Peter shrugged, "I asked her first"

It was time for you to go to school so Bucky ran down the stairs clearly running late as he pulled on his jacket and hopped whilst he adjusted one of his shoes. "I'm ready!" He shouted to no one before opening the door and walking out. Pete jumped off his chair, grabbed his stuff and followed. Before you could move Steve gently placed a hand on either side of your face and stared at you. Before he could even ask you mumbled, "I'm fine!".
You could tell he was having an internal conflict but eventually nodded and kissed your nose. "Ok, but if you have any problems you go to Miss Court ok?"
You nodded and hopped off the chair to follow the other two to the car. You let Peter have the front seat so he and Bucky mostly argued over the best type of music until you pulled into the car park.
"Have a good day!" He shouted as you got out. He watched you both walk into the building together and felt uneasy as he fidgeted in his seat. Everyone had been slightly worried about you but Bucky had had enough. He wanted to fix whatever this was so today he would bother everyone at the compound until they came up with something.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now