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You went still as the barrel of the gun still rested near your head. Small specs of smoke flowed around it. And you fell to the floor, gun clattering and sliding away.


Bucky started screaming, "NO, NO! DO SOMETHING! BRUCE DO SOMETHING!!"
The doctor was already trying to do something, subconsciously he knew the odds of surviving this were basically zero but in his panicked, full of adrenaline state he just carried on.

He took off his jacket and put it under your head. Everyone else followed and handed over theirs. He threw some over you so you didn't go into shock he held the rest over your head.

"Someone go check the door", he shouted, followed by Nat replying, "its still locked we're stuck in here".

Steve was full on sobbing, grabbing at your clothes, "COME ON Y/N! Just stay awake please".

Bruce could see you were still, just about conscious, so kept speaking. "Y/n you need to keep your eyes open ok? I know you know how important it is that you do ok? You need to stay for your family".

Bruce had never felt so useless in his life. He though it was bad earlier, stuck in the bedroom but now he just had to watch and not do anything except slow the bleeding. He didn't even know if they were waiting for the doors to open. How could they when this man was in charge of it all.

"Stay with me y/n keep your eyes open! Y/N! Y/N!!" He started screaming as your eyes couldn't hold on anymore.

Tony finally broke out through the walls and stomped around. He went straight to the camera room to find it locked. With his suit, he kicked and kicked, eventually making a small dent. It urged him on and eventually it slammed open.
He was immediately faced with a massive gun that shot him across the hall and into the wall. Thankfully, because of the suit, nothing was seriously injured. Though he would have some major bruising and maybe a few cracked ribs.

It did, however, anger him. He got straight back up and walked towards the man. He was prepared for it this time and deflected the blow. He finally reached him and grabbed him by the neck. "Shit", he heard him hiss.

"Any last words?" Tony asked feeling cocky.
The man just looked back at him, the fear in his eyes showed but he still said, "hail Hydra". And tony shot him across the room, he landed with a thud. Dead.

Tony got back to work getting his system back. That was when he looked at one of the cameras and saw you lying on the floor, surrounded by the team. Bruce was above you, performing CPR. "No, no, no", he mumbled to himself working twice as quick as before.

He pressed the final buttons and all the doors opened. He jumped out the suit and sprinted down the stairs.

In the main room Sam heard the faint click of the door and ran over to it, finally opening it. "It's open!" He screamed and everyone jumped up.
Bruce suddenly found the strength to pick you up just as Tony ran in and straight over to help hold the cloth on your head. They ran out and everyone followed, until the surgery door where they couldn't enter. Steve wouldn't let go and Clint had to drag him off.

They all watched as the doors closed with only you, Tony, and bruce on the other side.

It seemed no one wanted to leave as everyone sat down on the floor in the hall. Sam and Nat tried to help comfort your dads and Wanda and Clint comforted the kids. They stayed there for hours, crying, only the occasional whispered reassurance filling the air.

"Lets go and sit in the living room", said Clint finally. The kids reluctantly got up followed by Wanda. Bucky and Steve both refused to move so Sam and Nat stayed with them.
It was another couple of hours when Steve started crying again. Nat tried to comfort him but he was already hyperventilating. "You're gonna be sick", Bucky mumbled out trying to stop him but he had no energy to grab him. Steve suddenly stood up and bent over, trying to take in air.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now