Attached - 7 years old

Start from the beginning

He made breakfast with you on his back like it was completely normal before plating up the pancakes, eggs and bacon and sitting down.

He quickly realised using a knife and fork was impossible while holding your hand so he pulled you into his lap to get his hand back and you ate happily.

You scoffed all your food down in minutes, which was no surprise to Steve as he looked over to watch Bucky shove and entire pancake into his mouth.

The other man didn't know he was being watched until he looked over and froze, mouth still open.

"That's where she gets it from", said Steve, sounding jokingly disapproved.

Bucky just slowly pushed the rest in his mouth with a small smile when you pointed at him slightly aggressively.

"Excuse me Mr! Not too much food at once or you'll choke!"

Both men instantly pushed back chuckles, trying their hardest to not laugh as you sounded exactly like Steve.

"I'm sorry sweetheart", said Bucky, barely audible through his full mouth. "You are completely right".

"No talking with your mouth full!" You shouted back almost immediately.

This time, they couldn't hold in their laughs and Bucky almost spat out his pancake.

"Naughty chair!" You exclaimed, and pointed to the small plastic chair in the corner making Steve laugh even more.

"Ok, I think breakfast is over", he said, standing up with you. "How about daddy does his naughty chair time, and me and you find something for you to wear?" He winked at Bucky.

After your nod of approval you both left and went to your bedroom. Other than collecting clothes it hadn't been used in a good couple of weeks now, instead spending all your time with Steve.

"Joggers or leggings baby girl?"

"Leggings please".

"Ok, and which T-shirt?"

"The one with the cat please".

He held it up and you giggled. It had a picture of a cat displayed like a mugshot and said, 'Schrodingers cat, wanted dead and alive'.

"I don't get it", said Steve, staring happily at your smile.

"Daddy! Don't you remember? Schrodinger did a thought experiment with a cat in a box and a radioactive atom. He didn't know if the cat would be dead or alive so he said it was dead AND alive".

He looked confused as he started to get you dressed. "I have a feeling uncle Bruce got you this one then. But either way, wouldn't the cat be dead OR alive, We just don't know which one?".

You thought about it. "Uncle Bruce said it's not really about the cat but what it represents. That cat can be alive and dead, in two separate states, but that state is still valid. He said it's quantum superposition...". you paused for a second before saying, "but I don't really know what that means".

After pulling the shirt over your head, Steve clapped his hands together. "That sounds very interesting baby girl, but that's enough physics for me for one day. Would you like to go and see if Bruce is free and talk about it with him?"

"No thanks", you said simply and put your arms out to be picked up.

He smiled and lifted you up, kissing your cheek in the process.

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now