Zoo - 6 years old

Start from the beginning

Bucky thought about it and turned around.

"Are you sure? I thought it was fish?"

"No! Fishes!" You huffed.

Both men laughed and Steve looked up, speaking gently.

"Remember what we talked about y/n? Sometimes if people don't understand, you need to explain what you mean".

You sighed before finally turning to face them and moved your hands around as you spoke.

"More than two of one species is called fish. But if there's more than one species of different fishes it's called fishes!"

Bucky peered over to Steve and whispered,

"Is that right?"

"I don't know... we'll ask Bruce when we get there".

The rest of the journey was fairly quiet with Steve and Bucky talking between themselves as you rocked in your car seat, looking at the different scenery as you drove past.

"Ahhhh!" You squealed excitedly, pointing to the big sign on the way in.

You parked up and saw Nat, Wanda and Sam getting out a car opposite. You tried to get out and go to them but you had a fingerprint scanner on your car seat so you couldn't get anywhere.

"Get outtttt", you yelled until Bucky walked around and finally opened it.

He grabbed onto your hand however so you couldn't run away, and held you tight until Steve had collected the bags.

"Are we ready", you finally heard and you all started walking into the entrance.

You hopped around, trying to look at everything as Bucky kept ahold of you. There was a small line to get in but someone called over to you all. Tony was sticking his head out of a side door and was waving everyone over.

"I don't wait in lines", he said cockily.

"Pete!" You shouted, running over and Bucky finally let go of you.

"Y/n!" He yelled back, "look at this!"

He held a small paper map of the entire place, showing you what animals were in each section. The biggest part, highlighted in green, were the bigger wild animals like lions and rhinos and apparently the ones Peter was most excited to see.

You saw the smaller blue section off to the other side and saw it was the aquarium. That was what you were looking forward to the most.

The group slowly made their way through some corridors and out into the bright open space of the zoo. It had a giant path leading around most of the site with exhibits coming off it at different points. Large grass areas for sitting around were already full of families eating or playing games.

You also noticed lots of funny statues of animals and cutouts you can put your face into. And then something even better stood out. You quickly snuck away and ran over to a big cutout of a lions butt with a small button next to it. Pressing it, a giant spray of water flew out its butt and made you giggle and jump out the way.

"Y/n?!" You heard Steve yell, already sounding slightly panicked.

"She's over there", someone pointed out.

You came up with a hilarious plan and stood next to the button. Steve came and knelt in front of you so you would look him in the eye.

"Y/n, you can't run off today, okay? If you want to see something, you tell us first".

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now