Chapter 7

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Summer vacation already started, so the boys could spend their days together all the time.
They were going home from the park, Harry dragging Louis behind.
"Slow down, love." Louis chuckled, trying not to stumble over his legs.

"I am just happy. I can't slow down today." Harry led Louis inside of the house, shutting the door behind them. Louis pressed Harry against the door, attacking his lips.

"Boys?" Harry and Louis were both shocked by that. Harry's mother was home?
When they pulled away she was already standing in the hallway, staring at them.
"Mom? How come you are already home?" Harry asked nervously, hoping she didn't see them kiss, which she did for sure.

"How long have you two been together?" Anne asked.
Harry glanced at Louis, not knowing if he could just out Louis to her like that.
"We aren't together mom..." Harry said, knowing she wouldn't believe him anyway.

"We have been together for a while." Louis said in the end, making Anne smile big.
"That's sweet. Welcome to the family, Louis. Do you boys have any ideas for dinner? I can make us something nice and we could eat together, chat a bit." she shrugged.
"Yeah, sounds good." Louis smiled, nodding.
"Cool. Let me know what you have picked once you set on some meal." she gave them both a smile before she disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Lou..." Harry turned towards him.
"You just came out to my mom." Harry smiled at him widely.
"Yeah, I guess I kinda did." Louis bit his lip as Harry pulled him into a hug.

"Let's go upstairs?" Harry asked as he pulled away.
"Yeah, let's go." Louis nodded, following Harry up.

In the end the boys decided to ask Anne for a lasagna which she happily agreed to make. They just sat down at the table when the doorbell rang.

"I will get it." Harry announced, letting his mom and boyfriend keep sitting.

Behind the door was standing someone Harry hadn't seen in quite long, his father, Desmond.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asked in surprise.

Louis could hear there was a man at the door even from the dining table. After a few seconds of thinking it through he got up, going into the hallway to make sure Harry was alright.

"Hey, love, who is it?" he asked before he could even see the guy properly.
"That's- my father." Harry swallowed hardly.
"Who are you?" Desmond asked, scoffing.
"I am Louis." he didn't want to get Harry in trouble by outing him to this guy.

"Louis who?" Desmond didn't stop.
"He is my boyfriend." Harry stated, his voice not quivering at all.
"Your what?" Desmond looked at Harry in disbelief.
"He is my boyfriend and you are not welcome here." Harry kept staring at him with an angry expression plastered on his face.

"I can't come around and see my son? Look at what happened to you... became a faggot while I was gone. Terrible what Anne lets you do... you are spoilt and nothing else. Too much time to think about bullshit like this." he pointed at Louis.
"She raised you into a fucking cocksucker, what a success." Anne came into the hallway, seeing Des at the door.

"Leave." she told him straight away.
"I can't even see my son anymore... okay." he chuckled, shaking his head.
"Yes, you can't. I had full custody over him while he was a child. You didn't care about him at all, so I see no reason for you to come here to see him anymore. He was raised well, found himself a nice boyfriend as well. Shut the fuck up and leave this house!" Anne was gradually getting angrier.

"Whatever, you stupid bitch." he turned around, leaving without giving Harry another look.
As soon as Anne closed the door she noticed the look on Harry's face. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Harry, don't cry because of him. You shouldn't be crying because of that asshole." she told him.
"I know." he couldn't help but cry though.
Anne was about to hug him, but Louis was first. Harry hid his face in his shoulder, holding onto him tight. Anne smiled as she watched that. Her baby grew up, he had Louis to take care of him now.

"Okay, ehm, the food is on the table whenever you are ready. I love you both." she told them before leaving them on their own.

"Haz." Louis rubbed up and down his back, trying to help him stop crying.
"It's okay. He is a moron." Louis mumbled.
"It just hurt..." the younger one hiccuped.
"I know, I am sorry." Louis sighed, not letting go of Harry.

"You don't need your father or his opinions. You have your mom, me, my mom, my sisters... we all love you the way you are and we know that you are an amazing human being, unlike him." Louis reminded him, making Harry hiccup more.
"Stop being so nice to me." Harry pulled away, looking at Louis through the tears.
"It's just the truth, love." Louis wiped them away from his cheeks.

"Ready to go eat some of your mom's amazing lasagna?" Louis smiled at him.
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot." Harry smiled small. Louis couldn't help but peck Harry's nose. His boyfriend was way too cute not to.

"Let's go." Louis led him back into the kitchen.
"We are here." Louis announced, even though Anne could see them all too well.

"Everything okay, boys?" they glanced at each other.
"Yeah, it's all fine mom." Harry nodded as he sat down.
"Okay, let's eat in peace now." she smiled, grabbing her knife and fork, the boys doing the same.

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