Chapter 2

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"Louis! Harry is here!" she screamed loudly enough for him to hear.
"Coming!" he shouted from upstairs, running down in a few seconds.

"Phoebe! Come here!" Lottie screamed from the kitchen.
"Oi." Phoebe rather ran away, knowing Lottie was mad at her for doing something again.
Louis approached the door, standing in front of Harry with his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"Hi." Louis greeted him with a smirk tugging on his lips.
"Hi." Harry bit his lip out of nervousness.
"Let's go upstairs." Louis let Harry come inside before he shut the door.

"Louis! I am not gonna do this all alone! You are the eldest, you help me!" Louis whined.
"Lottie, I help all the time. I am a pro babysitter now. Can't I have some good time with my best friend?" Louis turned around to face her.
"Family should be more important than a friend." Harry stepped down from the stairs, feeling awkward.
"Louis, I can come some other time." Harry thought it would be better if he left.
"No, we are gonna have a good sleepover as I promised." Louis told him.
"Louis!" Lottie crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay! Yeah! I will help you. Jesus fuck. What should I do?"
"Make dinner for the twins. Félicité is staying with her friends tonight, so you don't have to look out for her. Then I need you to clean the kitchen and don't forget to take the trash out. I am gonna do the laundry."
Lottie rushed out.
"But I have more stuff to do than you! I invited Harry over and I don't want him to just sit around while I clean." Louis crossed his arms over his chest this time.
"I have a life too, Louis. You better be quick then." she sneaked around the two boys, heading to the bathroom.

"Ugh." Louis turned towards Harry.
"I am sorry." he stepped a little closer.
"I will try to be quick, but if you don't want to wait you can leave." Louis looked down.
"No, I can help you. We will be done faster that way." Harry offered as he put down his bag.
"No, I don't want you to do that." Louis shook his head.
"I don't mind, Louis. We will have more alone time if we work together." Louis blushed slightly when he heard Harry say that.

"Okay. You are right. Let's go then." they went into the kitchen.
Harry made sandwiches with some salad for the twins. Yeah, the girls weren't happy about the greens on their plate, so Louis gave them some crisps when Harry wasn't looking.

"I think we are done here." Louis announced when the twins were watching the tv and everything was clean.
"Yeah. Didn't even take a full hour. I told you we will be quicker this way." Harry smiled.
"Yeah, you were right." Louis' fingertips brushed against Harry's side, which gave the younger one goosebumps.
"Let's go to my room?" Louis asked in a low voice.
"Yeah." Harry tried not to give away how much it affected him.

When they reached Louis' room, Louis made sure to lock the door behind them. He didn't want anyone to disturb them.
They plopped down on Louis' bed as they usually would, turning to look at each other.
"Hi again." Louis smiled at Harry.
"Hi to you too." Harry smiled in response, watching as Louis reached over to grab his hands into his.

It made both of them feel electricity. They were both unsure of what they were doing, but they just decided to do what they felt like doing.
"Wanna play some fifa?" Louis asked, suddenly not knowing how to continue.
"Yeah, okay." Harry breathed out heavily, smiling a little awkwardly.

"Here." Louis handed him a controller.
"Thanks." they leaned against the wall as Louis turned on his old tv on which they played.
"I am gonna smash you." he announced.
"Wouldn't be so sure about that!" Harry wasn't gonna give up so soon.

Well, Louis was just better in playing fifa.
"I won again! Ha! Again!" Louis turned towards Harry, making sure he was annoying enough.
"Shut up, Louis." Harry rolled his eyes.
"I won't shut up ever again. I won!" out of the blue Harry leaned in, making their lips touch. Louis stilled, finally shutting up.

"Harry." he swallowed the lump in his throat, before he could feel Harry's lips move against his own.
Louis kissed him back, trying to be just as passionate as Harry.
They continued to kiss while Louis tried so desperately to be as close to Harry as he could.

"Lou?" there was a knock on the door which made them pull away and still. Neither of them said a thing.
"Yes? Is that you, Daisy?" Louis asked.
"Yeah. Could you help me look for Olie? I can't find him." Louis sighed as he stared into Harry's face.
"Go, Lou. I'll be here." Harry pecked his lips, making Louis want to kiss him more.
Harry stopped him by pressing his hand against Louis' chest, and pushing him away.
"Coming Daisy!" Louis got up, making his way out of the room to help Daisy with looking for her favourite stuffed animal.

Harry lied down on the bed in the meanwhile, waiting for Louis to come back.
"We found him. She always leaves him somewhere and-" Louis was at loss of words when he saw Harry staring at him from the bed with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Will you just stand there?" Louis blinked a couple of times, shaking his head.
"No, of course not." he locked the door again, before he approached the bed.
Louis climbed on top of Harry, staring down into his face.
"You are- beautiful." he leaned down, pressing a peck to Harry's lips.
Harry blushed hard, liking to hear such compliment coming from Louis' mouth.
Louis reached Harry's hair, rearranging his curls a bit.

It was later in the evening. Louis was once again kissing Harry because neither of them could get enough of each other.
"Louis?" Louis pulled away from Harry's lips, groaning.
"What do you need Lottie?" he was annoyed by having no fucking privacy.

"Ehm, could I maybe hang out with you?" Louis frowned.
"What? Why?" he sat down next to Harry on the bed comfortably.
"My friends bailed on me..." Louis shook his head.
"I am sorry about that, but that's not my fault Lotts." Harry elbowed Louis, making him whine.
"You know what..." Louis sighed, getting up to unlock the door.

"Come on in." Louis let Lottie inside.
"Thanks! What are you playing?" she asked, taking a seat next to Harry.
"Fifa." Harry answered, giving Louis a longing look.

Lottie sat between the two boys, so Louis couldn't even touch him. He loved Lottie, even though they argued a lot, but he wanted to be with Harry alone.

"You should go to bed. It's late." Louis told her when it was 11 pm. The twins were in their beds since 8pm already, but Lottie was still up.

"Okay. Imma go then. Good night." she left to go take a shower.
"Finally." Louis locked the door, before he jumped on top of the bed.
"I am tired, Lou." Harry whispered.
"Okay, let's go to sleep then, love." Louis got up.
"I will make myself a place to sleep next to the bed." Harry knew this was how they usually slept during their sleepovers, but this was different.
"I would like you to sleep next to me." Harry mumbled, his cheeks gaining red colour once again.

"Yeah?" Louis asked to make sure Harry really wanted that.

They went to bed ready to sleep around midnight.
Harry climbed in first, waiting for Louis to join him. Louis carefully climbed on the bed as well. His bed wasn't as big as Harry's was, so he had to be careful.
Louis was a bit unsure how to behave. He turned onto his side, watching as Harry did the same.
The boy was dressed in his boxers and a huge tshirt of white colour.
Louis nudged his side with his fingertips, carefully pulling Harry closer. He gave him butterflies just by that touch.
"Lights out?" Louis asked.
"Yeah." Harry nodded, letting Louis turn off the bedside lamp.

After that he put his hand on Harry's side again, keeping him close.
"Good night, Harry."
"Good night, Lou." they fell asleep like this.

When Harry woke up the following morning he was lying on something or someone...
When he looked around he realized he was lying on Louis' chest.
Harry smiled, enjoying the feeling, and waiting for the older one to wake up to this.
Louis woke up a bit later, noticing that Harry was peacefully lying cuddled to his side with his head resting on Louis' chest.

"Morning." the older one rasped, caressing Harry's curls.
"Morning." Harry said back.

And so they would have sleepovers every other day. Well, Harry's mom did find it a bit odd at first, but she just thought the boys wanted to spend more time together again.
Nobody knew about their little secret, about their dates.

Hi, everyone! So, I am here with the promised short story. I am excited to share it with you. Did you like the first two chapters? Writing this made me realize how much I miss fetus Larry and also made me feel awfully single...

I am sending hugs and lots of love xx

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