Chapter 1

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*Missed videocall from HarryS*

LTommo91: Harry, I am here. Did you need something?

HarryS: I was bored and thought we could call.

LTommo91: Sorry, was at the pool. I train the kids each friday, you know that.

HarryS: I have forgotten I guess...

LTommo91: You seem down... are you good?

HarryS: Yeah fine, just bored I guess or idk

LTommo91: Im sorry but I have to go buy some food and catch a bus home. Ttyl yeah?

HarryS: Yeah, ttyl

2 hours later

LTommo91: guess whos back, bqck gain.

HarryS: u drunk or what? Look at your typos

LTommo91: no just typing while literally going up the stairs so I am sorry if I have one or two typos in my messages professor perfect

HarryS: don't get annoyeddddd

LTommo91: whatever... have any plans this weekend?

HarryS: not that I know of... might go out

LTommo91: with?

HarryS: idk. why are you asking?

LTommo91: bcs I can? Can't I ask?

HarryS: yeah I guess

LTommo91: okay, seriously now... what's wrong? you are acting so weird.

HarryS: I'm just sad for no reason...

LTommo91: I'm sorry. Well maybe make a tea and watch a show or something.

HarryS: are you busy tonight?

LTommo91: babysitting sisters bcs mom has a date.

HarryS: oh okay

LTommo91: what?

HarryS : just thought you could come over and we could play some fifa or something...

LTommo91: I am sorry Haz... I'd come but I really can't. Maybe text Nicole. She might be in the mood to hang out or Oliver...

HarryS: but I wanted to spend time with you. You are my best friend

LTommo91: I am sorry but I am just busy tonight.

HarryS: k imma watch some show then. Ttyl

LTommo91: ttyl

10th May

LTommo91: Harry are you still up?

HarryS: Jesus Christ Louis! it's 2 am

HarryS: why are you still up?

LTommo91: I should be asking you the same thing. Why aren't you sleeping?

HarryS: I had some stuff to finish

LTommo91: have ya? 😏

HarryS: stop being disgusting for a second at least

LTommo91: HaHa no. This is too funny.

HarryS: don't text me again. Bye

LTommo91: no Haz! Wait
LTommo91: come back pleaseee
LTommo91: harryyyyy don't leave
LTommo91: I know you are reading the messages

HarryS: okay, what do you want?

LTommo91: well, I have some news to share. Sarah was texting me and like she sort of asked me out? I left her on delivered and idk what to do... should I be like cool about it and say yes or.. idk... I am not sure I want to like be with her. She is nice but... I'm just not sure.

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