Part 17: Open up

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Making someone feel
seen, heard and understood
is the loudest way
to love them
-wild faith
‼️trigger warning‼️

When you wake up the next day, you don't feel that rested for the hours of sleep you had.
Cracking one eye open to avoid the harsh light to attack both your eyes, you see Luke next to you on the armchair. His head is hanging to the side, his mouth open and a bit of salvia in the corner of his mouth. How he can sleep in this position is beyond you, but it looks kinda cute.
Next your gaze travels through the room to find Tom, though there is no sight of him in here.

Slowly discarding the blanket that was draped over you, you quietly tap into the kitchen in hopes to see Tom there, with thumbs crossed, hopefully a cup of coffee already prepared for you all.
Luck seems to be on your side today because you can smell the fresh coffee before you even enter the kitchen.

The new coffee machine works then. Great.

"Moooor..." a yawn escapes your mouth before you can finish your greeting "...ning"

Tom looks up from his phone, his gaze travelling through the room to find yours immediately and the smile that always graces his face in its respective place.

"Good moooor... ning to you too, sleepyhead. Didn't get enough sleep did ya?" Tom mimics you with a small chuckle. In response to his questions you have to shake your head. It's true that you slept for most of the time yesterday, though, the events of the last few days seem to catch up on you and exhaustion finally setting in.
First the fire, that led to your new housing situation, all the heart to heart conversations with Tom, the mean lady at Toms job, the date with Tom that never leaves your mind and lastly Noah. He is your own personal curse that follows everywhere you go.

Tom clears his throat lightly, catching your attention.
"Any plans for today?" His voice sounds weird, pretty high, even for Tom and he is fiddling with his phone case, indicating he is nervous.

Sitting up a little straighter than before you answer him "No, you?" stretching the no a little. Curious what he is on about.

"I thought we, maybe, if you want to of cause, go on another date?" Tom speaks slowly, stretching some words and rushing the last three of them. It's quite cute how flustered he got.

Your lips curve into a small smile. You don't have to think twice for an answer, knowing it the second those words left Tom's lips. "That sounds lovely."

It's visible how the nervousness leaves his body the moment he hears your answer and your smile becomes a bit bigger because of this.

"Great, ...great. I was thinking we go have breakfast at 26 Grains and then we could either walk through Covent garden or Leicester Square. Whatever you want." Tom says, putting his hands in his jeans pockets and shrugging  his shoulders at the end.

You nod your head to him in response, before adding "Breakfast sounds great. I don't care where we go after that, I wanted to visit both anyway, so it's up to you. I'm counting on your local tips."

"Alright. You should get ready then. I'm starving."


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