Part 6: Puppy

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A few nice words can help a person more than you think.
                                                            - anonymous
‼️Trigger warning ‼️

The first pictures are taken and with each new one it's easier for you to move with Tom. Actually it's quite fun to be modeling with him. Had someone told you a month ago, that you would be living in London, ultimately free from Noah, modeling with someone you met not even a week prior and studying at an art university you wouldn't have believed it.

At some point you move out of the frame to let them take pictures of Tom alone, so you make your way to the dressing room to change back in your clothes. Coming back out Amelia promptly comes up to you.

"You did so well, if I didn't know you weren't a model I would have believed you do this all day. And of cause thank you for agreeing to do this and upgrading the outfit, because let's be honest, what you put together looked ten times better than what our stylist did with the clothes."

It seems like the rosy cheeks won't leave you alone today, when you hear Amelia's words. She is clearly over-exaggerating to make you feel better.

"Now you flatter me. I was certainly not that good." You disagree. The playful look in Amelia's eyes falters slightly before returning to serious.

"Okay... maybe I did a bit, but really Lou, ... for your first photoshoot and never before experiencing something like this before you did amazingly, especially after hearing that you're quite an introvert." She tells you quickly adding "By the way I love your style," with that said, she goes back to her original spot next to the cameraman.

When Tom finished his shooting and got back to the dressing room you took it into your hands to question him about all this.

"Hey, you did amazing... and thank you for... you know." You begin
"Thank you for doing this. I mean I wouldn't have had the guts to do this if I were in your position," Tom tells you and damn there is that blush again.
"Yeah, no... umm, I have a question though."

"Ask away."

"What did I shoot for exactly? I mean, was it a campaign, a cover or just for the brand?" You ask, unsure of how much you are allowed to know.

"It was a cover shoot, sort of. I got this interview for Vogue, which they will do tomorrow and they decided to put me, us, on the cover." Tom explains to you.

You only nod in response to him with a low hmm, your brain processing the information that you're going to be on the cover of Vouge. As a little kid it was your dream to work with one of the big magazines like Vogue, Harper's Bazaar or Elle. Although, you thought you would be standing behind the camera and not in front.

You both say your goodbye to the crew and go back to Tom's car. The drive was mostly filled with light chatter, yet Tom has a question nagging on his mind. Trying his best to not blurt out the question, which is on the tip of his tongue since you mentioned Noah in the dressing room. Though at last his mouth is faster than his mind.

"Hey, um, who is Noah?" Shortly after the question he sees you tense up out of the corner of his eye.
"Sorry, I don't have the right to ask about him, you don't have to answer.

"No..., no, it's... alright, um, Noah he... he is my ex. I didn't tell him I moved to London... he shouldn't know this." Tom is quite after your answer. He can only speculate about your reason, but doesn't pry any longer.

The rest of the drive is spent in silence, Tom not knowing what to say and you... lost in your thoughts of Noah. Praying to any god above that Noah will not recognize you on the cover. He would be so furious and on your door step rather sooner than later.
Pulling up in your driveway you turn to Tom.

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