Part 12: Lazy day

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I'm not okay.
I'm not myself.
I'm drained.
Please calm my mind, heal my heart and take my worries away.

‼️trigger warning‼️

Meeting Luke in the living room, all of you put on your shoes. Luke and Tom grab a jacket as well, you on the other hand don't because right now you are quite hot from your little fever and second of all, all your jackets are at home, neatly stored in the wardrobe.

Ready to take off, you all exit the flat and are welcomed by the refreshing breeze. It's currently late summer, nearly fall, so the temperatures aren't that hot but it's not too cold either. It's nice, you like it this way.

You walk with Luke and Tom for a good half an hour. The sky is blue, birds are chirping and occasionally a light wind goes through your hair. It's calming and in a way it's a distraction from the outside world. Not seeing how Tom and Luke look at you, while you watch the few clouds passing by. Not perceiving how a little kid falls down on the grass, trying to kick a ball or acknowledging the bypassing people, which makes you nearly bump into someone, if Tom hadn't pulled you out of the way. That brings you back to reality, flushing a bright red, when you find yourself pressed against Tom's chest. The biker, you nearly crashed into, shouting a "watch your damn surroundings", but this doesn't face you at all, as all your focus is on Tom. His one hand holding yours and the other on your waist, looking down at you with concern. Some of his fluffy hair falling down his forehead.

'He looks good... Stop that!'

For a short moment your eyes drift to his lips, looking soft and sweet, but quickly go back to his eyes when he speaks.
"Are you alright? 'Were quite lost in thought," a chuckle accompanies his sentence and causes you to shiver a bit.

'That was hot. No! No it wasn't hot. Stop it Lou!'

Before you can answer he asks the next question "Are you cold?" without waiting for your answer he takes of his jacket, gently pulling it over your shoulders. A low "Thank you" leaves your lips and for a second you think you saw him glance at your lips too, but that is forgotten when Luke clears his throat, gaining the attention of you both.
He did speak and an awkward silence settles between you three.
Tom no longer holding onto you, but still standing right by your side with his jacket loosely hanging on your shoulders and Luke opposite of you both, looking like a parent that just caught his kid in the middle of a make out session.
Long dreadful minutes pass before one of you utters a word to the others.
It's Luke of cause, you still to flustered and now Tom seemingly lost in thoughts.

"I think that was enough fresh air." Luke tried to break the tension that settled between all of you, but that didn't work like he wanted it to. Instead it lead to a silence filled walk back home to their flat.

Up on entering the flat Luke dismissed himself to his room, not even taking off his shoes or jacket. Leaving Tom and you in painful silence.
You didn't trust your voice at the moment, mind still running wild with thoughts of Tom and what would have happened if Luke wasn't there earlier. So you are more than grateful when Tom decides to speak.

"How are you feeling now?" That is a really good question, you can't even answer yourself. Embarrassed about what happen earlier? Yes. Still sick? Oh, absolutely, although you feel like your fever has gone down, but your throat is killing you at the moment and a feeling of stomach ache is starting to form. Nonetheless, giddy, because you can still feel his hand linger on your waist? Yes, a thousand times yes. But how do you describe all this emotions to him while not burning in humiliation? You have no idea, that's why you set for the standard "I feel better, thanks."

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