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Chapter 168
[This is an adaptation, this story is not mine. The credits goes to the original writer. Please do not vote!]
The sudden jerk caused the two people in the elevator to be a little caught off guard.
Most of the time, the other employees in Kim Enterprise took the elevators in front of the main hall. Meanwhile, since Jennie took a private elevator, it was located at a rather remote location, and it was hard for the others to find this place.
Since it was rather remote, the lighting was definitely not that great. Usually, even if the lights were on in the elevator, it made no difference, but now, once the light went out, Jennie felt her vision suddenly turning dark, and she could no longer see anything.
Then, the elevator under her feet seemed to have swayed a little, causing her body to sway against her control, and she instinctively let out a shout.
Jennie originally thought that she was about to fall face first and faceplant on the ground.
But the pain she expected did not come. Instead, she slammed into a sturdy but not stiff chest.
Even though her nose hurt because of it, it was still better than having her face meet the floor.
Jennie rubbed her aching nose. Her eyes were gradually getting used to the darkness, and she saw the contour of the figure in front of her, which was the only thing she could see now because of how dark it was. She asked tentatively, "Lisa?"

Jennie felt the hand around her waist become stiff. Then, a cold voice rang above her head. "Yes."
Lisa gave a simple reply. Then, he felt that it was not very appropriate for him to be so cold, so he added, "Are you hurt?"
Jennie was stunned. Then, she shook her head. After she was done, she remembered that it was dark now, and Lisa could not see her actions at all. She said quickly, "I'm fine. You..."
"I'm fine too." Lisa answered before Jennie could ask her question.
Jennie sighed in relief. She looked at the dark surroundings and asked with a frown, "What's going on? Why did the elevator suddenly stop moving? Why are the lights out as well?"
Lisa remained silent for a while and scrunched up his brows in the dark. He remembered all that happened just now, and a rarely seen grim look showed up on his face. Even so, when he spoke, he still remained calm, and there was a level-headed quality in his voice that brought ease to the mind. "The power must have suddenly been cut off the elevator. I pressed the emergency button just now. The people downstairs should come up to rescue us soon. Don't worry."
Jennie did not suspect him and nodded. "Okay."
When Lisa heard Jennie's reply, the worry in his eyes did not diminish but became stronger.
Jennie had never encountered any accidents with elevators before, so she had no idea what was going on, but Lisa knew very clearly. A simple power outage in an elevator would not cause it to sway so much, like what it did just now. There was a high chance that something happened to the cables of the elevator.
The elevator had been ascending for nearly one minute before it suddenly stopped.

If there was really something wrong with the cable and nearly one minute went by since they began ascending, this meant that they were likely positioned between the 40th to 50th floors. Then, if...
With that thought in mind, Lisa tightened his hold over Jennie's waist.
Jennie had not fully wrapped her mind around the unexpected situation. Suddenly, she felt the arm around her waist tighten, and she realized swiftly that after the elevator became dark, she had fallen into Lisa's arms.
Finally, she noticed where the problem was, and Jennie felt embarrassed. She asked hesitantly, "Um... Hey, could you let go? I don't feel quite comfortable."
Lisa shuddered. Clearly, he had also just realized how easy it was for others to have their thoughts run wild if they saw them in their current positions.
"This is for the best before the people downstairs come and save us," Lisa said righteously, and he sounded so poised that no one would think that he was a pervert who was using the chance to take advantage of Jennie.
But if anyone looked closely, they would notice that Lisa's ears had started turning red, even though he was a boss who could remain calm and not even bat an eye no matter how big of a case he was dealing with during negotiations.
Regretfully, at that moment, the elevator was dark, and it was already hard enough to see a person's face clearly, much less realize the subtle changes in a person.
When Jennie heard Lisa's explanation, she frowned a little, but she still did not suspect his intentions. She just felt a little surprised.
Based on how the previous Jennie communicated with the person in front of her, she thought that when she fell just now, this person would think that she was playing cat and mouse with him and had thrown herself at him.

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