👑 carves for a Alpha 👑 4

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Kook : where am I? What am I doing in the basement....

Kai : r u okay ? Am sorry I couldn't reach u earlier...so u had to go through this

Kook : Kai!!??? Wat ...what r u doing here ? And why those boys were abusing me ? Where s my alpha why didn't he come to save me

Kai : relax kookie I got to know that u were pulled to the basketball court by a bunch of brats so I came here to save u and I have informed taehyung about this and he took came in no time he was out of station....

Kook : oh ...how did u ...know I was here

Kai : well I came to meet my dad as he is the principal of this uni and i thought to meet u too so I asked few people around they said me that u were brought to basketball court so...ye now we r here like this ...

Kookie : how is tae ? Where is he ?

Kai : he is good don't worry let's get out

Kook and Kai both of them walk out of the basement...

Kook saw tae who was holding a rod in his hand while it was covered with blood ...

It's not his blood ...

Kook s eyes filled with water he ran towards tae and hugged him tight ..tae dropped the rod  and hugged kook back ...

Kai smile at them and left the place ....

Kook cupped taes face in his cute hands and stood on his tips and kissed tae s fore head and cheeks ....

Tae smiled bright and pecked his lips ...

Tae : I will wash myself first

Kook : hmm sure ...

Tae goes to wash room and he gets fresh and goes towards his car and sees kook is already in the car waiting for him ...

Tae looks at the sky it's cloudy indicating it's gonna rain soon tae sits in the car and start s to drive .....

And the water drops pour out ...it rains heavily with strong thunderstorm s ....kook was scared by this bad wheather...

And they both were unlucky the car ran out of fuel ...and their phones were dead they were in middle of a quite road there was no one around only them ...

And tae started to feel odd ...and hot out of no blue his breathe was abnormal

Kook : taehyung are u ok?

Tae : um..ye..

Kook : your  face is all red ...don't tell me that u r on heat cycle

Tae : idk maybe it started soon this time I should have taken measure s aghhh am sorry that u got stuck here like this with me

Kook : u don't need to be sry alpha it's fine I will search a way out of here don't worry

Tae : how? Am so ...ahh leave it i can't control myself

Kook : help yourself taehyung get to bak seat and rest there I will look out for help

Tae : ok...

Tae lowers  his seat and gets to back seat and lays down making those seats into a bed ...he grabs the sheets and some cushion s to make him comfortable....

But that wasn't helping he kept releasing his pheromones kook gets weak and he couldn't even make it out of the car his pants are wet already...

The steam and hottness was filled inside the car ...it was like sauna

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