Chapter 18: Dance Lessons

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A/N: Alright, second chapter in the batch, this one is just more girl development while pushing the story plot ahead a little

Anyway, please enjoy it :)

Two weeks had passed since your encounter with the vice leaders of the Knights of the Blood Oath. Upon returning to your house, you recounted every detail of the meeting to your party, sharing a picture of Heathcliff, along with his name, and urging them to remain on the lookout for him.

Several days later, you finally found the time to visit the orphanage with Clorinde. Despite your initial apprehensions about interacting with children, the experience proved unexpectedly rewarding. Although the kids struggled to grasp your words, their unwavering attention and playful inquiries brought joy to your heart. Witnessing Clorinde's smile once more only added to the fulfillment of the trip.

However, with the good, also came the bad, and Jingliu seemed to disregard your earlier advice, her duels becoming increasingly violent in the following week. Concerned by her behavior, you were forced to meet with the Knights of the Blood Oath once more as they begged you to curb her excessive violence on the higher floors.

During the two week stretch after your meeting, Shenhe had finally come to realize that physical touch alone couldn't win your affection. Instead, she turned to conversation, despite it being her weakest skill by far. Understanding the nuances of interaction and finding topics of mutual interest proved challenging, but with Yoimiya's surprising guidance, she drew nearer to finally making you fall for her.

As the two weeks drew to a close, Eula's resolve to defeat you intensified to an almost alarming degree. This determination had now brought you to stand outside your cabin-style mansion, bathed in the midday sun with the wind rustling through your hair.

You gripping your sword firmly while facing the determined blue-haired girl before you.

Eula: Are you prepared, Y/N? I swear, this is finally the day that I will have my vengeance on you.

Once more, the wind stirred, gently swaying the grass beneath your feet, as the rest of your party sat on the porch steps, eager witnesses to the impending duel.

Ganyu clasped her hands together, her gaze shifting between you and Eula, worry evident on her face.

Ganyu: Who do you think will win?

Party: Y/N.

She flinched, glancing at them after such a quick reply before returning her attention to the duelists.

Y/N: Eula, I don't understand what this is about... vengeance for what exactly, have I wronged you in some way?

Eula smirked faintly, taking her massive sword, planting it roughly into the ground beside her and resting her hand atop it.

Eula: As someone from a respected lineage, I expect you to understand. We'll go to great lengths to uphold our family's honor.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

She narrowed her eyes, her hand descending to firmly grasp the hilt of her enormous sword. With a deliberate motion, she extracted it from the earth, directing it towards you.

Eula: I will defeat you, the strongest player in Aincrad, and regain my honor.

With a sigh, you lifted your sword, positioning it in front of you. To be honest, you were completely clueless about what she was talking about. Not even a hint. Yet, it was glaringly evident that this mattered deeply to her.

Eula: (I have to be the best, I have to defeat him)

Memories of the past flooded her mind, causing her face to twitch. In her mind, she saw an older man and woman, their faces partially obscured, their smiles holding hidden intentions.

God of Gaming // SAO x Male Reader x Hoyoverse HaremUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum