The Outworlders go to the zoo ❤

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Included: Kitana, Li Mei, Sindel, Mileena, Tanya, Rain and Syzoth

(Second person)

Chapter 1: The idea

Ever since the flight, the Outworlders seem to be fascinated with Earthrealm. It's very different compared to what they are used to, they've never seen such amazing things before.

You decided it would he nice to take them to see something that would truly wow them, the zoo. You decided to rent the zoo out for the day because you knew they would get rowdy and would probably disturb the peace there.

They were very... skeptical at first. But Kitana then started to wonder just how strange Earthrelm animals are compared to Outworld's. She ended up convincing everyone for you. They were all pretty intrigued by the idea, and plus, they wanted an excuse to see Earthrelm again without asking.

Chapter 2: Getting there

Once again Sindel was being an over packer. This time she brought an entire suitcase for a day out, "Your majesty I'm not doing this again." She looked at you with those same innocent eyes. You kinda had it and through the bag out the window, "WHAT THE HELL Y/N!" She yelled, "I'm sorry your majesty, but I'm not going through this headache again.

After everything was ready, you gathered everyone into the Limo. Johnny wanted you guys to have a pleasant time getting there it seemed. You were all going to a zoo for rehabilitation, all the animals there were placed in this sanctuary for their own reasons. You often donated to this cause since it was so refreshing to see someone trying to help animals.

"So Y/N, what type of animals are we going to see there?" Tanya asked, "Patience Tanya, they're not exactly anything I can describe considering you've never seen anything like them before." You explain, she scoffs and turns her head to the window. Kitana raised her hand excitedly, you smile, "Yes princess?"

"Did you bring that picture taking device!?" You cock your head, "You mean the camera? I did, would you like to take pictures?" You ask pulling it out the bag, "Yes!" She said. You smile and hand her the camera. You turn to Syzoth, "You know, there's a lot of reptiles where we're going, maybe you can make friends." You joke, his back spikes stick up, "Is it because I'm a Zettarian!?" He asked, "Yes, yes it is."

Chapter 3: Split up

You knew it was going to be empty besides the workers that worked there, so you decided that there was no harm in letting the Outworlders run wild. Once you clear everything up, you're able to let everyone in. They were greeted with any animals yet, but they still buzzed with excitement, "Now listen everyone, I'm giving you free will to go out and explore amongst yourselves. All I ask is that you don't cause chaos and that you enjoy yourselves! If anything happens, we meet here." You explain, they all bow in respect, "Thank you Y/N, this will be a fun trip." Li Mei said holding Empress Sindel's hand. You smile, "Thank you Li Mei. Now go on! A bunch of animals can't wait to see you." You say, they all split, except for Kitana.

"Y/N, mind if I stick with you for the trip?" She asked shyly, you smile, "Of course princess." You say holding your hand out for her, she squealed in excitement, the camera tied around her neck dangling as she walked.

Chapter 4: Tanya and the Lioness

The Umgadi decided to head to the African sector of the sanctuary. There she saw so many beautiful animals. There was a cage filled with African Grey parrots, she found them adorable.

She went to see the giraffes next, the one she got to feed lettuce to was named Abigail (Any Wonka fans in the house?). She found Giraffes to be such interesting animals, the fact they had very long necks really made them fascinating to her

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