Good to know 💀

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Jacqui Briggs x Y/N (With happy ending)

(Second person)

It had been a tough day at work. Jacqui was power loaded with work, once she was done with one thing, another would come to bother her. But she always had you. Besides Cassie, you were her bestfriend. You two did everything together! Cassie and Jacqui's family sometimes questioned if you two were secretly a couple.

Recently Jacqui had been invited to "Lunch" with a certain group of people at work. Cassie despised that group would constantly shy away from it whenever they got close. One thing you definitely picked up from Cassie was her ability to sense when someone just wants to be with you for their own gain. Cassie's trust issues were as sensitive as a bloodhound's nose, she could spot trouble just by your body language. You often envied her ability, it would have saved you the trauma growing up, but Cassie always comforted you saying it was a skill one has to learn through trial and error. Jacqui was more oblivious and naive to people like this group. Her parents always warned her of the dangers people like them could bring, but she never truly understood why. Once you saw how cuddly they were being towards Jacqui, you immediately tried to shy her away from them, but to no avail. Melinda, the group's so called leader, had been cracking jokes with Jacqui all morning, all you and Cassie could do was watch with a side eye. Once you saw the rest of the group coming, you knew it was over, "Cass, we should really do something!" You say, "What can we do? She won't listen to me, you know that right?" Cassie said scoffing. It was true, Jacqui was the stubborn type, even her closest friend couldn't snap her out of a delusion, especially since prom when Cassie tried explaining to her just how much of a bad person Jacqui's crush really was.

The group laughed and joked with the girl for what seemed like hours, "Hey Jacqui, wanna come hang with us near the the Hanger? All the planes in there kinda make it difficult for anyone to hear us talk. It's kinda like a safe space for us." Indiana, another friend of the group, her brother Samson eyeing her down. Out of them all, Sam was the more, lovable person in the group. He was only there because his sister was. Jacqui's eyes lit up in delight, "Hell yeah! When?"

"How about right now?" Another boy from the group, Matthew, suggested, "Uh well, I still have work to do." The girl protested, this intrigued you Cassie, "Oh come on you have plenty of time for that later!" Indiana said closing the girl's laptop, you felt a nerve pulse in rage. Jacqui shrugged, now intrigued by this proposal, "Alright, let's go." She said getting up, you and Cassie both face palmed. It was going so well. The group, now including Jacqui, started shimming their way to the Hanger, their own snickers and snorts distracting those around them. The two of you looked at each other and followed suite, Jacqui was getting herself in trouble.

The Hanger truley was isolated, but definitely not sound proof. You could hear them all laughing and screaming at the ridiculous stories they were telling. Melinda stared curiously at Jacqui, "You know girl, you should hang out with us more often! Can't keep recycling the same friends over and over." She said grabbing the hair pin in the shape of a flower out of her long ginger hair, and placing it in Jacqui's braids. A warm fuzzy feeling fluttered in Jacqui's stomach, not really paying attention to what Melinda had just said, "What do you mean?" She asked with a laugh, the group snickered, except for Samson. The ginger girl rolled her eyes, "Y/N and Cassie honey. We get it, you grew up with those two. But you seem so, unhappy with them." Unhappy my ass. Cassie cursed in her head, "Unhappy? But they're my best friends? I've always felt, good around them." The confused girl said laughing nervously. She looked at the faces of the group, their eyes peering into her soul, threatening to spill her feelings. Jacqui looked at them, "But I mean, we're not actually friends. We just grew up together. Real friends aren't as dramatic as those two am I right?" The group erupted in laughter, Jacqui could only laugh nervously. Your heart broke, you could tell that it was the heat of the moment that made her say that, but you never expected it to hurt this bad. Cassie was filled with rage, Jacqui had the audacity to say such a hurtful thing to both her and Y/N just to gain brownie points from a bunch of spoilt rich kids. Samson noticed you and Cassie out of the corner of his eye and gently nudged Jacqui. Her face dropped with horror seeing you both standing there, tears running down your own face while an angry one was plastered on Cassie. The rest of them let out quite ooos, "Not real friends huh?" Cassie said spitefully, "Good to know." The punch kicked in, and Cassie's eyes welled with tears, she gently guided both you and herself out of the Hanger and towards the base again. Jacqui watched in horror as you both walked away, her heart began to break into tiny pieces, "Damm, what was that all about?" Indiana asked, "Chill Jacqui, you're with us now!" Matthew said placing a friendly arm over her shoulder, which Jacqui rejected, "Yeah stress is so stressful." Melinda said. Samson looked at Jacqui's contorted face. How she was so sorry and wanted to take back everything she said, Samson managed to shoo everyone away and getting her and him alone for a second, "Apologize, maybe they'll understand."

"Heh, have you met them? Especially Cass? They're not super easy to apologize to."

"Look, I've seen them try to tell you to stay away from my sister's friends. You dug yourself a hole here, it's your chance to dig yourself out before the gravel buries you." Samson said, finishing his little speech. Jacqui perked up, she turned back to Samson, "Hey! You're not so bad." She said, the other man smiled, "I've seen how you act around Y/N, tell her man." He said walking away, a smile on his face. Jacqui was left alone in the Hanger, it wouldn't be for long, but it definitely hurt while she was there.

Hours passed, and Jacqui finally had the courage to say she's sorry to Cassir and Y/N. At first they took her apology with a grain of salt, but Y/N started to slowly forgive her a few days after the incident. Cassie took longer, but she always admitted she could never really stay mad at her friend. Melinda's group backed off for once, they realized now that Jacqui wasn't as much of a fool as they thought she was and left her be. Samson of course was proud of her.

Once a few weeks passed, Y/N and Jacqui had been tasked with Hanger duty. They both loved it, for one reason and one reason only. The sunset view. Oh how beautiful the sky looked where they were, the twilight peaking through the horizon made it all worth it. Jacqui stared at Y/N with a conflicted look. How could Samson, someone who doesn't even know both of them, see right through Jacqui. But he was right, she had to tell her. The girl instinctively reached for Y/N's hand, the other growing confused but still accepting it, "I'm sorry, still." Jacqui confessed, "I know you are, but I told you I forgive you right?"

"But why did you? I could've ruined our friendship?" Y/N laughed, "I saw it was the heat of the moment, sure I was heart, but I knew deep down that's not how you felt." Y/N explained, Jacqui's eyes widened, "How do you feel JB?" Y/N asked cheekly. Jacqui wasted no time in grabbing her in a passionate kiss. The feeling was so incredible to them both, it was something you couldn't believe was happening, but was so glad it was. Cassie would obviously become a third wheel, but for you two? She didn't mind.

*Should I make a separate section to be angst with a happy ending or just keep it under the regular angst category? I think I'll keep it in the same category as regular angst. What do you think?*

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