Kombatans getting married ✨

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*They're all such dorks I love them*


🐉Cassie Cage🐉

- Oh she's crying, heavily

- You proposed to her

- She's just so happy

- As she walks down the isle she can feel those same little butterflies she would get in her stomach when she first met you

- She poured her heart and soul into her vows

- Makes sure everyone at the party gets a picture with you two

- You both get matching rings of the sun and moon (She's the moon because you're the light of her life)

- Almost rushes to kiss you already

- Enjoys the food, like a lot

- Your first dance with her is so magical, she wishes the night would never end

- "You do know what will happen after this wedding right?"

"No? What?"


"Oh my-"

🐉Jacqui Briggs🐉

- Cries, but not as much as Cassie

- You proposed to her

- She's overjoyed and wants to make the most out of today

- She made sure her dress was made to suit her

- She gets emotional knowing that she'll spend the rest of her life with you

- Wants nothing more than to place that ring on your finger

- You get a lot of kisses from her throughout the night

- She brags about how amazing you are to the in laws, and they love it

- With your first dance she can't help but hold you tight, she never wants the moment to end

- "Who knew the one I was going to marry would be right next to me the whole time in Highschool."

"Well, the universe works in mysterious ways."


- Oh she's so thrilled

- You proposed to her, she was so happy

- She's jumping up and down and vibrating from excitement

- Really wants to make this day special so she tries her best to make sure nothing goes wrong

- Already says 'I do' before the priest can say anything

- Devours anything that gets put on her plate, you have to warn her not to get anything on her dress

- The bouquet ends up landing on the ceiling, which is worrying

- Looks into your eyes and realizes just how lucky she is to have you

- "Oh dearest, I love you so much."

"I love you too, my Empress."


- She's so excited

- She proposed to you

- She does get a little emotional saying the vows

- She hates crying in front of other people but kinda let's it slide for today

- Stares at her ring for hours on end once you put it on her finger

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