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Jade and reader

(Third person)

Revenge, the only word that could be used to describe what Y/N was feeling. Jade, her elder sister, had been killed by Sindel many years ago, she believed Liu Kang was behind it all. After all, both Sindel and Shao Kahn were after him, it caused the death of many. Y/N sharpened her knife as she peered into the arena. Her eyes fixated on Kollectors execution, Kotal and Y/N shared the same loss, and wanted nothing more than to have Jade back. The feeling of seeing a public execution was nauseating for her, Y/N felt as though she could hear Kollectors bones start to snap. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept the sand into the air, blinding everyone below, Y/N hopped down to investigate, the sand quickly catching in her eyes.

The sandstorm revealed many kombatans from the past, most importantly, Liu Kang. Once the sand cleared away, Y/N could finally see, the first thing she saw, was the chosen one himself. The rage in her blood began to boil violently, the Edinian quickly drew her staff from her side, "LIU KANG!" she yelled, startling everyone, even Jade. The other Edinian struck Liu Kang with a mightyl kick and a slam of her bo staff on his head, "Y/N wait!" The green Edinian called to her, Y/N didn't listen, all she cared about was killing Liu Kang. No matter what it would cause. Kitana and Kung Lao tried to pry her  away from Liu Kang, but she fought back with more strength. It wasn't until Jade held Y/N by the arm, cooing her to stop, "Shhh, it's alright dear sister, it's okay." Finally something in Y/N's body switched, that voice, it can't be, she watched her die. Y/N finally got off of Liu Kang, she didn't leave any marks on her, nor did she actually hurt him. Jade stared at her little sister's eyes, now shell shocked and dilated, the green Edinian noticed that there was something different about this Y/N. That she was much older, but also very scared, her mind being consumed with revenge. Y/N didn't believe what she was seeing, she was too angry to believe Jade was standing right in front of her, the corner of her mouth twitched as she stared into Jade's calming green eyes, "My dear sister it's me, Jade." The green Edinian said, "I know." Y/N replied quietly and swiftly, "Why did you attack him? He is our ally."

"He got all of you killed, especially Kitana." The blue Edinian's eyes grew wide as she heard the words coming out of Y/N's mouth, "Sindel killed you and Jade, Liu Kang was killed by Shao Kahn, even Kung Lao. I was the only one left." You reply in a hushed whisper, Liu Kang felt his heart drop. Jade knew now why Y/N was the way she is, the sweet innocent and happy sister she knew, was now lost to her traumas. The green Edinian couldn't help but weep into Y/N's shoulder, everyone's hearts breaking at the site. Y/N awkwardly held her arms around her sister's back, providing a sense of comfort to her poor older sister, "I'm sorry." Jade spoke, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She said weeping louder, but soft enough for only the people around them to hear, "I missed you big sister." Y/N said, "But I refuse to believe, you are real."

*I know the general prompt for this story was supposed to be fluff, but I made it angst because I can. Thank you once again GTApsycho for the prompt!*

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