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Jisoo's POV:
I see chaewon come out of the bathroom but Lisa wasn't with her. "Maybe her and Jennie got in a fight? I'll go check."

"Hey guys. I'll go check on Jennie since she's taking a long time." I tell all our friends and quickly walk over to the bathroom door and take quick peek. There I see Lisa kissing Jennie. I put my hand around my mouth to keep from making a noise.

I hear Lisa say something. "Thanks for letting me steal another kiss" she said.

"Another kiss?" I think to myself. I quickly realize Lisa was coming out so I hurried but to our table.

Rose's POV:
Chaewon came back to our table without Lisa and I was wondering why.

I didn't bother ask chaewon because I don't like her. I glance over and see Jisoo looking shocked.

"What was she so shocked about? It's a damn bathroom" I think to myself. I then see her quickly run away and then see Lisa walk out.

She walks over and sits down. "What took you so long?" I asked. She looked really happy for some reason.

"I just go in a fight with Jennie" she replied with. "She looks so happy that she got in a fight" I think even more.

"Oh makes sense." I said. Then after that was complete silence which was awakraw.

"So sure I get us lunch?" Chaewon asked. We nodded and told her what we wanted to eat and she went to order.

It was just me and Lisa. "You look really happy Lisa." I say to break the silence.

She looks at him and smiles. "Just in a good mood" she said. I smiled at her. "I'm glad. Also did you hear the rumor about Jennie and V?" I asked her since their was a new rumor about the two.

She looks kinda upset but replied with a quick no. "Well people think that thru broke up or their cheating on one another since they barely talk to say hi!"

I say kinda excited. She looks at me and kinda smiles.

We countuied to talk until chaewon came back with food. We started to eat and talk to one another and it was pretty fun.

Chaewon is pretty fun and cool. Maybe I like her just a bit.

Jisoo's POV:
after Lisa left and Jennie came back from the bathroom I was really quite.

I mean how are you not quiet when u just found out ur best friend was cheating on her boyfriend with her enemy!

I was too zoned out that I didn't notice that the food was done.

Wonyoung one of our friends tapped me on the shoulder so I could came back to earth. I was straled but the tap but then realized the food was done.

I could barely eat since all I was thinking about was Lisa and Jennie

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