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Lisa's pov:
I stood there watching Jennie Kim walk off. UGH! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? But there's one thing I can't try to deny.

She is one of the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I smirked and then walk away to my home room. My friends didn't have the same home room expect from Rosé.

We both walked with each other to home room. "Lisa do you wanna hang out after school?" Rosé asked. I replied with a sure and we countuied to walk.

We both walk in and sit our desks. We just talked until the bell rings to go to 1st period. Sadly me and Rosé didn't have the same 1st period so we went our separate ways.

As I was walking I saw Jennie. I smirked as I saw go into the bathroom. I followed her in and saw her fixing her hair and doing makeup.

"Does the most "beautiful" girl at our school also have to wear makeup?" I asked smirking. She turned to me and gave me the dirtiest look. "I'm doing touch ups. Now go and leave me alone"

I walk up to her and pin her to the wall. "No I don't think I will" I whispered in her ear. She turned red and then pushed me away. "ARE YOU INSANE!"

She said while her facing turning red. I started to laugh at her. "Why are you so red?" I asked still laughing. She got mad and stormed off. I mean at least I got to make her blush.

Jennie's pov:
I stormed off after Lisa asked me why I was red. I ran to a gender neutral bathroom so no one could come in. I locked the doors and then sank on the floor.

I was still blushing. Why? Because she fucking pinned me to a wall! I mean I kinda liked it but I'm straight! And I have a boyfriend!

"Ugh" I said. "Why does she think she can do that randomly!" I said again now talking to myself.

I got up and then went back to my class. The teacher yelled at me for taking to long but I didn't care at all.

After my 1st period class I waited for Jisoo so we could walk with each other. As I waited I was pulled into the janitors closet.

"the hell!" I yelled. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked trying to get out. The person who pulled in turned on the lights in janitors closet and I was shocked.

CHEATERS- A Jenlisa story. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें