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Jennie's pov:
Me and Jisoo walked off leaving Lisa and the rest of her friends.

"Ugh I hate Rosé so much! I wish she could just go somewhere far away" Jisoo said. I just laughed at her saying that and deicided to listen to her talk about how much she hates Rosé.

We made it to class and sat down. "What should we eat for lunch today?" I asked while getting my pencil out of my bag.

She didn't say anything and then she finally replied. "I don't know maybe sushi?" She said.

I told her I would order it this time. We then started listening to the lesson.

After the class we ran out to find our table at lunch. I saw our friends already sitting there. We both walked towards the table and then sat down.

"So should I get sushi for all of you guys?" I asked. Most say yeah so I went to order it. I went to lunch line and asked the lunch lady to make us all sushi.

She sighed and work on it. I decided to walk to the bathroom. I walked in and saw Lisa and... Chaewon. I hate chaewon with all my guts.

I walk over to the stinks where they were standing. Chaewon smiles and so does Lisa.

I just glance at them for a second and then start to finish my hair. "Chaewonie you can go okay" Lisa said in a soft voice to Chaewon.

Chaewon nodded and left. Lisa then turned to me. I looked waiting for her to say something. She then came closer and kissed me on the lips.

I was shocked a bit but then kissed her back. We kissed for about 5 minutes until she broke it. She blushed.

"Thanks for letting me steal another kiss" she winked at me and then walked out. I stood there dumbfounded.

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