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Jennie's POV:
I hear my alarm go off. I wake up to get ready for school. "Ugh" I thought to Myself "another boring day" I get up and then go to my closet to see what I should wear. I decided to wear a skirt with a cute shirt.

I mean it wouldn't matter what I wore I would still like beautiful. I fix my hair and grab my bag. I had some cereal before I left my house.

I walk to school until I see my boyfriend. V. "Babe!" I yell out smiling.
He looks at me and then smiled back. I walk up to him. "I missed you! Why didn't you call me!"

I say pouting. He laughed and then replied "I was busy with homework! I'm sorry!" He kisses the top of my head and then we start walking to our school. Yg-hybe high. As we walked in we could hear everyone talk about us.

Most were saying how jealous they we're or how we're the cutest couple. I see my friends so I tell V I'm gonna go over and then kiss him before I walk off. He waves and walks to his group of friends.

"Hey Guys!" I say when I got to my friends. "Hey Jennie" Jisoo said. We all talk until Someone else walks in the school. Lalisa moonban and her friend group. She walks up to us and I was ready for what she had to say.

"I thought ur we're supposed to be a fashion icon at our school." She says at she look at me up and down. "I guess not.." All her friends laugh that what she said while I was fuming.

"You better watch ur mouth Moonban. Everyone knows that I'm the most popular girl here so don't play with me. I will make you life a fucking nightmare." With that I walked off and left Lisa and her friend's standing there. Teaches them right.

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