chapter 7: tutor

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~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•He starts the engine again and goes to the opposite way~

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He starts the engine again and goes to the opposite way~

"Are you kidnapping me?"

"No, don't worry" he says chuckling

"Can you tell me where we're going then?"

He doesn't answer, he just smiles.

"Did you get along well with the guys?"

"I didn't talk to them so much, but I think they're nice"

"They are, trust me"

"Yeah, not like you"

"You'll change your mind" he says smiling

"And you're trying to make me change my mind by kidnapping me?"


It took 20 minutes but we're finally arrived. He parks the car, gets off and opens the car door for me. As I get off too, I start looking around and trying to understand where I am, but I've never been here before.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and as I turn I notice that our faces are really close.

"Let's go, follow me" he says and then starts walking into a park.

I walk behind him and observe everything that surrounds me; this park is huge.
Then, we arrive in front of many, many stairs.

"We're not going up there, right?"

"It'll be worth it don't worry"

"We have practice tomorrow, I don't want to go there with sore legs"

"I'm sorry but you'll have to. Come on" he says grabbing my arm and start going upstairs.

After 4 flights of stairs we finally arrive at the top.
There isn't even a bench, it's all grass and trees.
But the view from up here is breathtaking; I can see the entire city.

"So?" I say with my arms crossed, looking at him.

He goes sitting on the grass and looks at me smiling while motioning for me to sit next to him, and I do it.

"What is this place?"

I turn to him, who's staring at the view, and his face is illuminated by the moonlight. He's so beautiful. He really is, I can't deny it.

"This is the highest point of the city. And it's also one of my favourite places. I come here when I don't want to think, when I just want to relax. Nobody ever comes here"

"And why did you bring me here?"

"Because I want to talk, and this is the right place to do it"

"What do you want to talk about?"

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