They all look at Dutch, making him shut up.

“I don't have to; I can just call in sick again” yawned Johnny.


“No buts I'm not going” Johnny scoffs.

“What would your mother think of that?”

And geez, that was a low blow from Bobby, but he's right; in the midst of the situation, he forgot why he got this job as a teacher to start with. His mom. He's doing this for her.

“Sorry if that was too much” Bobby apologises.

“No, it's ok, I'll go to school” Johnny mutters.

“Really, that's great!” cheered Tommy .

——Johnny gets ready for school, as for some reason the guys are already dressed, and once he's done, they get into Johnny's car (which Johnny didn't like) and head to the school——

“Thanks for the ride, Johnny” thanked Dutch.

“Yeah, yeah, I'll see you at break” Johnny replies.

Bobby's POV

——The day goes by alright, and the bell rings for lunch, the boys decided to stay in because they were “really tired”——

“Are you sure you're that tired? The diner is not even that far from here” queries Johnny.

“Yes, my legs are about to fall off; let's just eat in here” Bobby responds wearily.

“Okay” Johnny agrees.

While they are eating, the door opens, and they see the girls and Daniel come in. This is going to be sooo awkward.

“Hi guys!” Ali greets.

“Hey” they all murmur back, though Bobby doesn't think Johnny said anything; he was acting like his food was the most interesting thing.

No one knew what to say, so it was silent for a few minutes.

Daniel looked like he was about to cry, and Johnny was still “mesmerised” by his food.

All you could hear were the clicking of keys on a keyboard and the janitor talking.

Finally, the bell rang, putting everyone out of their misery. Everyone practically sprinted out the door, but as I turned around, I saw Johnny still sitting at the table, but it looked like he was on the verge of tears. He looked up at me and frantically started rubbing his eyes.

“Johnny, are you ok?” Bobby asks.

“Yeah, I'm fine, you can go” states Johnny, Bobby hearing him sniffle.

“Well, ok, see you at the end of the day” Bobby says, worried.

“Only if I survive it” Johnny answers.

What the fuck is that meant to mean? Whatever I guess, Daniel and Johnny will talk and make up. Bobby is certain. Just wait and see.

Johnny's POV

——Johnny finishes his last two subjects, Science and English, and the rest of the school day goes by okay——

As the bell rang, Johnny packed up his stuff and left the classroom, but before he could leave the school, he's stopped by Bobby.

“Hey Bobby” Johnny sighs.

“Hey dude, I need your help” Bobby says.

“Yeah? What's up?” questions Johnny.

You're alright, LarussoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat