Chapter 3

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The world is yours but your soul is mine.

Chapter 3.

He parked the car a few streets away from his house to avoid unwanted attention and walked home. They lived in a two bedroom flat in a remote area of Jabi, the landlord has given them the third eviction notice which he said was the final,  either they pay before the due date or he will send them out of the house. 
"With the way this strange woman is talking about millions,  i think we will soon pack out" he said to himself.
For the rest of the night he couldn't sleep but kept anticipating over the whole issue, twice he came out of the house and went all the way to check if the car was still where he has parked it. 
  In the morning he used almost half the money he had to buy food stuffs, groceries, medicines and all the things they need,  they were surprised by this sudden change and when his mother asked him his reply was "Mama, God has smiled upon me, just keep praying for me,"
  At 10:50 he parked the car at the parking lot of the mansion, there were several other cars that were not there the previous night and also he counted four men wearing blacksuits patrolling the house,  obviously they are security. He was welcomed by Miss Vanessa and she ushered him inside the house. Once inside he saw a man sitting in the living room, the man looked elderly and overweight.
Vanessa introduced him as Chief Ogechukwu, "its nice to meet you sir" Karim wondered if the man was her father,  husband,  or her lover, it was popular among young slay queens to have a rich sugar daddy that will be spoiling her with money.
  "Same here my dear, Vanessa has told me about you." the man replied.
  Karim wondered what was it that has been told about him, and he didn't know what exactly to say so he just complimented her, "she is a very nice person sir"
  "indeed, she is" he agreed,  "tell me about yourself"
  Karim narrated his detailed story to the man and he listened attentively, when he was done the man asked.
"I think your suffering has ended, if only you are wise enough to make the right decision" the Chief said.
  Karim was happy to hear that, "I will make sure to do the right thing sir, God will continue to bless you, you will never know failure in Jees..." he assured.
  "Can you please drop the prayers session and keep god out of our conversations?" The Chief interrupted him obviously taking offense at the prayer.
  Karim was shocked by this, atleast it was just a prayer, why would he take offense. He recalled the other night when Vanessa made a similar comment when he was talking about how god has blessed her. "are they atheists or something ?" he asked himself silently.
But anyway, it doesn't matter to him, "sorry sir, i didn't mean to offend" he apologized.
  "Oh don't mind me, you didn't  offend me, i just think that God has nothing to do with my life" the Chief replied.
  "Oh really?" Karim taught, he was confirming his guesses.
  "With all the things you have been going through, i believe you have been praying, what has god ever done to you so far? " the Chief.
  Karim taught the question was blasphemous, but it clarifies to him that the Chief is an atheist and that is normally how they talk.
  So Karim decided to respond according to his religious beliefs, "Well, i believe the gift of life is a precious gift from god,  also being healthy is another, i believe god is testing me with all the hardships i am going through and i know he has something in store for me, i feel like he is already trying to bless me by acquainting me with you." Karim narrated.
  The Chief looked at Karim sceptically and burst into a mocking laughter. "Oh boy, you have no idea." he said, and after a enjoying the  moment he shifted in his chair and faced Karim in a business like manner.
  "Your God cannot help you, but the one i serve can give you more than you ask for" he said.
  "Another blasphemy" Karim taught, he didn't like the way the man is talking but he taught that the man can speak anyhow he wish to speak, as long as he will help him.
  "Ok, but i don't understand sir" he replied shortly.
  The man grabbed a brief case beside him and opened it, he brought out two A4 sized printed paper and a pen and handed it to Karim. "Read and sign this paper and you will be a multi-millionaire tonight"

The world is yours but your soul is mine Where stories live. Discover now