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I've already told you.



Told you.

I've already told you I've already told you I've already-

Honey made it to the radio store in a hysterical mess.

Technically, she didn't even make it to the store. She went through the alley and found herself halfway up the stairs before her knees gave out and she had no choice but to sit down, holding onto the rail for dear life as she choked back quiet sobs.

The Handlers voice echoed inside her skull as she tried to make sense of it all over the frantic beating of her heart that left her dizzy. Or maybe it was the blood trickling down the side of her fac, soaking her fringe on one side.

She shakily ran a hand over her forehead - it came away red and slick, blood dripping down her hand and disappearing beneath her sleeve.

Her thoughts were slow but filled with the sound of that awful womans voice. All she could think was that her head was killing her and she felt sick and she didn't understand what the fuck to do or think.

I've already told you.

She was filled to the brim with doubt and paranoia, unsure whether or not to take the Handlers words at face value, because everything the woman ever said was poison. A trick, a lie, always twisted somehow because what she did best was manipulate.

But she had spent enough years of her waking life at the Commission - she knew how the Handler worked - and something about her voice told her she wasn't lying this time.

Honey screwed her eyes shut in frustration and sobbed into her hands, shoulders shaking, every slight movement sending searing pain through her skull.

Them the girl had a sudden panicked thought.

What if Five had managed to find all of his siblings in time? What if, despite the odds, he had done it? Gathered his family and taken the briefcase back to twenty nineteen, like intended?

She wouldn't blame him. He had been fighting his entire life to get his family back. Through decades alone in an apocalyptic wasteland to killing to spending two straight weeks trying to fix it all. She saw his love for his family in the way he clung to his sisters book during the time they worked together. The way the only stories he ever told were about fond memories with them, sticking out through this dismal childhood. She heard the way he whispered his siblings names when he was having a bad dream, and hadn't known how to feel at the time. Now, it made her heart hurt.

A creeping fear nestled into her chest as she wiped her bloody hand on her skirt and used the railing to haul herself to a stand. Her legs moved unsteadily as she forced herself up those stairs, clutching the railing like it was the only thing keeping her upright. (It was.)

The door was unlocked when she pushed it open. Honey slowly stumbled through the kitchen, holding onto the counter. Her fingers left behind smears of red.

Everything in the home appeared quiet at first, and she didn't know what to do with it. Her heart felt heavy at the notion of the unknown. She held onto the counter tightly as the room span, her ears ringing in the absence of noise.

The girl sniffled and attempted to wipe under her eyes with her sleeves before moving on.

Blood smears across the wooden floor had her heart jumping and she inched past the couches towards the chair set up at the edge of the room. A figure lay covered in a bloody sheet, and she approached it numbly. Her hand shook as she went to lift it to see what lay beneath. Honey stared at Elliots bloodied face for too long, her eyes stinging, and the hollow feeling in her chest only grew as she forced herself to back away.

Sweet As Honey (Five Hargreeves/The Umbrella Academy) Where stories live. Discover now