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After their first mission together, Honey began to see that Five was a bit of a control freak

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After their first mission together, Honey began to see that Five was a bit of a control freak. He was also quite demanding.

The problem with putting her up against someone as headstrong and arrogant as that, was that Honey would rather stick in his good books and do as she was told, whether she liked it or not. (Kind of the running theme of her unfortunate life, sadly.)

One stark difference between the two - Honey was not a teamplayer because communication wasn't her strong suit. Whereas Five was not a teamplayer because he wouldn't even let her play the game.

When he explained a quickly thought up plan to her, she'd only nod and agree. Half the time she was too tired to argue against a tactic she didn't like, and the mere thought of trying to win an argument with someone who grew up with six other siblings was exhausting.  It was a fight she wasn't going to win unless she had some tricks up her sleeves.

A couple more missions go by smoothly, and Honey can't really complain because he gets the job done efficiently. In, out, back in time for dinner at the commission.

But she was beginning to feel useless, and useless wasn't something she was used to feeling. At any point in time she was good at what she did, and she certainly could handle their jobs by herself, but with him there it almost felt like a test.

If she didn't get a word in, he would do most of the heavy lifting. They'd follow their target, gauge their daily routine, plan to attack at the most opportune time and, more often than not, Five was in and out with a flash of blue and an arrogant flair about him u til they got back.

Honey was not complaining, exactly, but the feeling of uselessness was getting her restless. She needed the thrill of the job to keep her sane, to keep her from spiralling into her thoughts when it got too quiet, too calm.

She didn't know if he didn't believe that she could accomplish the job as well as him or if he flat out didn't trust her enough to not get them both in trouble (either in the field or with the boss.) Either way, she was offended, and it was getting to her.

Not to mention the looming dread of returning to the Handler with no information other than 'he's an arrogant prick with serious control issues.' It kept her up at night.

So by the fifth mission all her pent up frustration was beginning to bubble over, tipping the pot.

He had special powers, sure, and she got the impression maybe he thought he was better than her, and that growing up with that many equally powerful siblings, okay, maybe you had to be that headstrong to even come out alive - but Honey was tired of the arrogance, the cocksure way he held himself, and how he never really heard her voice, even if she tried to get a word in.

He didn't trust her because of the Handler, fine. She could handle that.

She wasn't about to let her reputation go downhill because of an old man trapped in teenagers body stuck playing assassin. (As if she could talk.)

Sweet As Honey (Five Hargreeves/The Umbrella Academy) Where stories live. Discover now