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When Five Hargreeves landed himself in Dallas and witnessed a war that never happened with his siblings at the dead centre of it all, he became faced with the same dilemma he always had been since he left the dinner table at thirteen; the world was going to end horrifically, and it was his job to fix it.

He expected to see Honey among them, but didn't, and something twisted deep within his stomach as he searched for her amongst the chaos and the noise and the gunfire.

But then Hazel was there, looking older than he had been, pulling him along without much of a choice in the matter.

For a brief moment they were in another rendition of the war-torn wasteland of Dallas he had just witnessed and everything was calm, which almost set his nerves on fire worse than before.

Hazel informs him, in short, that they set off another doomsday but this time in the sixties where the rest of his siblings all landed.

It was in this moment he felt inclined to ask about his counterpart Honey, just when things started turning for the worst.

Three blonde men stepped off of the bus that parked just across the street, and their guns flashed in the sunlight beneath their coats, and all Hazel could manage to get out was "all I know is she's on the run, but she is here-" before shoving the briefcase into his hands and pushing him out of the way of the array of bullets.

Gunfire rang in his ears as he ducked down behind the nearest car, trying to shield his head from the bullets striking the metal. He watched Hazel's body hit the floor and the blood that splattered against the concrete and in a blink, he collapsed on the nearest buildings roof with the briefcase clutched against his chest.

Heart pounding, he stared up at the sunny blue sky as smoke from the case swirled above him high up into the clouds. His heart pounded against the hard material, the sound of Hazels skull striking the pavement ringing in his head like a broken record. His eyes scrunched closed in an attempt to block it all out, everything moving too fast for him to keep up without the world feeling like it was suffocating him.

But the last words from the man rang in his ears.

She's on the run - but she is here.

It took Five a matter of minutes to find Elliot, and Elliot had nearly all the information he needed to find the others. Nearly all of it. On the account if him being strange and a paranoid conspiracy theorist, he turned out to have a whole wall dedicated to newspaper clippings with pictures and stories of his siblings.

It took him a day to find Diego and the crazy lady he had attached himself to, and during the night they found their way out of the psychiatric hospital and on Elliots awaiting doorstep.

He took every strange and new thing in surprising stride, the poor man, but one thing stuck in the back of Five's mind everytime he took in the information on the wall.

There was only one picture of Honey, and it was the one he took when she landed in the alley, like all the other 'phenomenons'.

Although blurry and in black and white, the look in her eyeswas  dazed. She was on her hands and knees, one hand pressing against the dark spot on her leg, hair falling in front of her face, but he knew it was her.

When he asked about her, Elliott wasn't afraid to divulge.

She landed in the alley last. Seven months ago. And unlike his idiotic siblings, had managed to keep her existence quiet.

"I tried finding out more about her, but it's like she dropped off the face of the earth." The man had shrugged with a puzzled look.

Five had nodded once, words dying in his throat as he stared at the grainy photograph.

Sweet As Honey (Five Hargreeves/The Umbrella Academy) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora