Worries and Pressures

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, it's characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Worries and Pressures

Chapter 1

No ones POV

Jade couldn't sleep. Tonight a thousand things were running through her mind. Pressures of being the werewolf queen, for starters. Since the dust had settled with Livia and the brief war, Jade had settled into her role. She spent hours reading ancient texts and volumes, learning all about werewolf history, customs and traditions. Many of the old traditions and customs died out around the same time the royal family was destroyed after the 1st vampire/werewolf war. The surviving wolves, just concentrated on trying to rebuild their shattered communities and bury the dead.

But Jade took her role seriously and made a point to learn all there was to learn. Though she was a hand's off leader, she found herself being asked to settle disputes between packs. The packs would unite when faced with a common danger, but in other times there was a good amount of rivalry between them. At times their animal instincts would cloud their better judgment and problems would arise. Sometimes the dispute's involved business matters, sometimes they involved more personal matters.

Jade had at least 3 disputes she was currently weighing. But that was only the tip of the iceberg and as a result Jade couldn't sleep. She glanced over at the alarm clock next to the bed, it was 3:14 in the morning.

"Damn!" Jade silently cursed.

Turning over she glanced at Tori, who was currently sleeping in her wolf form. She was fast asleep. Normally they would sleep in the same form, either as humans or as wolves. But Jade, couldn't sleep in either form. So she sat up in bed and for a moment ran her hand's through Tori's thick brown fur. For a moment the Latina stirred and let out a tiny whine, but then settled back into deep sleep.

Jade got up, threw on her silk robe and walked towards Fiona's room. Jade's sense of smell detected that her diaper wasn't in need of changing but she thought she would check in the future queen anyway. The little 2-year-old girl was sleeping in her bed, looking as peaceful as ever.

Though her nook had fallen out and was several inches way from Fiona now. Jade took it and placed it back in her daughter's mouth, then kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"I love you little one."

Satisfied Jade, headed downstairs. Maybe having something to eat would help calm her stressed mind. Ten minutes later, Jade was sitting at the bar in the very same room where she had once destroyed Livia. Only one light was on behind the bar, illuminating the room in a dim light. Some heated up leftover pizza and a glass of milk on the bar in front of her.

She was half way through her milk and had already downed two pieces of pizza when she could smell Tori approaching. A second later she heard the click of Tori's claws on the marble floor.

Turning around, Jade could see Tori in her wolf form, standing in the doorway. A somewhat puzzled look on her face.

"I know the bar's closed, but I made a command decision and reopened it. I figure as queen; I can do that."

Tori let out a brief growl, showing her displeasure at Jade's glib remark, then walked up to where Jade was sitting.

Jade took a drink from her glass. "Pull up a chair, have a beer or do you want me to pour it in a bowl?"

This time the growl that came from Tori's wolf form was more distinct and louder.

Jade huffed, "Oh get off it Vega, I'm just giving you shit."

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