Let's send him on a mission

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This scene is happening here👆🏻👆🏻(a/n)


Kiba sat beside Shikamaru on a small balcony, which provided a stunning view of the night sky. He looked at Shikamaru and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Shikamaru, who was smoking a cigarette, exhaled smoke from his mouth and replied, "Nothing." Neji joined them on the balcony and said, "You should stop smoking, Now" Kiba added, "And we all know that you were thinking about something," while gazing at the stars, which were twinkling brightly in the night sky. Sai appeared beside him and said, "They are beautiful, aren't they?" The boys had chairs in their hands, some were sitting on the balcony, enjoying the view while others were in the garden. Shikamaru looked at the stars and replied, "Yeah." Choji then asked, "So, what were you thinking about?" Shikamaru sighed and responded, "You all are not going to stop asking this question until I answer, huh?" They all nodded, and he sighed again.

"I was thinking about Naruto..." Shika's words hung heavily in the air, causing an immediate hush to descend upon the group.  He had been extremely intoxicated and in his drunken state, he had revealed everything. Despite his tendency to exaggerate and embellish the truth, it was widely known that alcohol was something Naruto couldn't handle. It had a way of breaking down his walls and releasing all of his emotions, be it good or bad. 

As the others listened, he recounted every detail from the previous day, revealing secrets that he had kept hidden for what felt like an eternity. But his exhaustion caught up with him, and he slumped back into his drunken stupor. Iruka and Hinata took him to the main bedroom to rest, while the others remained in the living room, unsure of what to say or do. The atmosphere was heavy with emotion, and no one dared to break the silence that had settled in.

It was then that Kiba spoke up, breaking the silence and asking Shikamaru a question. Meanwhile, the girls listened in from the living room, their minds reeling from the revelations they had just heard. They were all shocked to learn that Sakura had been involved in something that none of them could have ever imagined. 

Despite the late hour and the heaviness that lingered in the air, nobody wanted to leave Naruto like this. They all knew how much it had taken for him to reveal his secrets. God knows when he would have ever opened up if he hadn't been drunk. Maybe never.

"I should never have trusted Sasuke with Naruto. It was clear from the beginning that Sasuke's priority was to restore his clan. But I thought he had changed, and that he could make Naruto happy. It was entirely my fault. I gave Sasuke a hint that Naruto was interested in him at the returning party. If I had kept my mouth shut, maybe Naruto would have been with Hinata, who had always loved him. They could have had a happy life together by now. But I messed up everything. I even broke Hinata's heart that night by making Sasuke and Naruto a couple. I-I *sob* I shouldn't have done it *sob* I am an idiot *sob*," Shikamaru's eyes filled with tears as he spoke. Shikamaru's voice was choked with regret as he spoke.

Everyone in the room was quiet, some with tears in their eyes as they watched Shikamaru pour out his heart. Kakashi, who had been sitting silently with his head bowed, looked up for the first time. He was angry and ashamed of himself too. His students had caused this pain to their friend, now his son.

Shikamaru looked up as he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Temari, who knelt beside him, looking at him with compassionate eyes. She hugged him tightly, silently conveying the message that it was okay to let it all out. As she patted him on the back, Shikamaru cried uncontrollably.

Watching this, Kiba side-hugged Shino, and Neji held Tenten's hand while rubbing his thumb on the back to comfort her. Sai hugged Ino too, as they all felt the weight of Shikamaru's pain.


After Shikamaru spoke out, the tense atmosphere that had been hanging over the group began to dissipate. In the wake of his calm demeanor, everyone in the room seemed to relax a little. Terami was sitting beside him, her hand gently rubbing his shoulder in a soothing motion.

"You all should go to your house now, "Iruka said breaking the silence. Hinata and Iruka just came to them after making sure that Naruto fell asleep. Iruku took a sit beside Kakashi. Hinata settled into a chair between Kiba and Neji. "We don't want to leave Sensei" Shino spoke up, he seemed to speak for everyone. Iruka let out a weary sigh and said "But you all need to sleep now" The room fell silent once again.


"Let's all sleep here. I remember there are some mattresses on the second floor," Kakashi suggested. He recalled having sleepovers with his teammates in his Sensei's house when they trained late hours. Everyone agreed with him, but no one moved from their seat. They were all thinking about the same thing: "What will happen in the morning?" and "What should they do to keep Sasuke away from Naruto?"

Kiba broke the silence by asking, "So, what should we do in the morning?" He knew that no one else would have asked, so he took the initiative. The group fell silent again, waiting for someone to speak.

Shika finally broke the silence and said, "Let's send Naruto on a mission..." Everyone turned to look at him, urging him to continue. "So listen..."








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