He cheated

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After the cake-cutting, Naruto stopped paying attention to the conversation and started staring at the alcohol bottle. While everyone was laughing and having a good time, he began walking towards the dining tables where a large bottle of alcohol was placed. He quickly drank all of it within a few minutes. 


As everyone looked over, they noticed a 3L bottle of alcohol lying on the ground, shattered. Naruto's face was a bright red color due to the effects of the alcohol. He wasn't entirely sure why he did it, but it felt right to him. After the morning incident, he needed something to help him feel better and recover.

"NARUTO!!! You idiot why did you drink all of it??? We only brought 2-" Kiba was shouting at him but minding no attention to him Naruto sat on the chair beside him. That worried them not because he drank a large bottle of alcohol but because everybody noticed the sadness in his eyes after they surprised him, it reminds them of the time when Naruto received the news of Jiraiya Sama's death.

"Naruto-" Hinata was about to say something when they noticed that Naruto had closed his eyes and passed out. All of them looked at each other when 


Sai suddenly shouted and dashed towards Naruto, who was on the verge of falling from his chair. Kiba and Lee quickly followed Sai, jumping forward with outstretched hands to catch Naruto and protect him from falling to the ground. The onlookers were stunned, their eyes wide and their mouths agape. However, before Naruto could land on anyone, Shikamaru sprang into action and used his shadow possession jutsu to stop him in mid-air. This caused Kiba, Sai, and Lee to collide with each other,  bumping their heads together.

"Oww," said Kiba, and Lee rubbed one side of their heads in pain, while Sai rubbed both sides of his head. Everyone sighed in relief as Shikamaru released his jutsu. Gaara created a mattress-like figure with the help of sand under Naruto and gently placed him on a sofa.

Iruku walked over to Naruto and knelt in front of his face. He gently patted him on the cheeks and said, "Naruto." But there was no reply. Iruku tried again, "Naruto," but still there was no response. He sighed and looked at the others. "Looks like he's not going to wake up," he said. Everyone nodded, knowing full well that only Iruku had seen a drunk Naruto before and knew what to do, and what not to do.

Iruku stood nervously, unsure of what to do next. He had only ever partied with Naruto and had never hosted a party like this before. "Well, you all should continue the party," he said with a nervous smile. Kurenai sensei spoke up, "I would love to, but we have a mission tomorrow." Guy nodded in agreement and added, "We have to leave earlier tomorrow, so we will take our leave." "I understand," replied Iruku, as he walked with them to the gate.

Iruku stopped waving at both of them when they finally stopped waving back at him and made their way to their respective houses. "I am leaving too since I promised my daughter to help her close the shop," Teuchi said while putting on his sandals. Iruku nodded in understanding. Teuchi was at the main gate and said, "Oh, and tell Naruto that I brought ramen for him. It's in the refrigerator." "I will," Iruku replied and said goodbye to him.

Iruku returned to the living room and found his old student chatting about their recent missions and drinking. Two empty bottles and a filled one were on the table; the latter he assumed was for him. He took the glass and sat next to Kakashi, who was reading his Icha-Icha book while enjoying his drink. "What about you all?" he asked, joining the conversation. Neji replied "I don't have any mission tomorrow" and everyone else agreed that they were free until the next evening.

Kiba asked Hokage-sama, "What about you, Hokage-sama, ?" with narrowed eyes. Kakashi, replied, "Well, I do have some work, but I can take a day off whenever I want." He knew his desk was piled high with paperwork, BUT HE NEEDED A BREAK FROM THE ENDLESS SLOG OF WORK 

Kiba suddenly shouted, "What??? Why???" in response "Because I am Hokage-sama~," knowing full well that Kiba was trying to mock him. Kiba was aware that Kakashi knew, so he decided to stay silent and instead started chatting with Choji about his recent mission in the Lands of Wave.

Iruku clapped his hands to get everyone's attention after noticing that they had finished their drinks. Everyone looked at him, wondering what he wanted to say. "Let's clean up the mess we made before eating," Iruku said, and everyone agreed.

After finishing their meal and cleaning up, the girls were seated at the dining table while the boys were lounging in the living room. Naruto was sound asleep on one of the sofas. Kakashi, Iruka, and Neji were seated on the other sofa while the rest of them were on the floor. Suddenly, Sai spoke up to catch everyone's attention, "Hey! Has anyone noticed that Sasuke and Sakura aren't here?" Kiba rubbed his neck with an awkward smile and admitted, "No, I totally forgot about them." Almost everyone else chimed in, "Me too." Choji then asked, "Do you know where they are?" The replies were unanimous, "Nope," "Not a clue," and "No."

They all looked at Kakashi, who was still reading his book, Icha-Icha. When he noticed the eyes on him, he put down his book and said, "*sigh* Sasuke came to my office around 3 pm asking for a mission. So, I gave him one. As for Sakura, I don't know." 

Everyone nodded in understanding. They didn't mention anything about giving a mission to Sasuke because they informed Kakashi about the party around 4 pm. Iruka had told Lee about Naruto's new house while he was delivering some sealing scrolls to him to teach students about basic sealing jutsu. Lee then asked everyone to help him arrange a party for Naruto. Of course, Iruka knew about Naruto's new house after all he is the boyfriend of the Hokage of the village.

"Then where is Sakura-" Ino was about to complete her question but was cut off by a sob. Everybody looked in that direction to find Naruto crying. Naruto woke up when Sai mentioned Sasuke and Saruka loudly, Naruto was still drunk as hell, and hearing their names forced his brain to remember the morning incident and he started crying without any knowledge of his surroundings. Everyone panicked, and Iruka knelt in front of Naruto. Hinata sat beside him on the sofa and held his hand while Iruka patted his cheek to wake him up. Naruto opened his eyes, clearly still drunk, and hugged Hinata who was right in front of him, and started crying again on her shoulder, Hinata hugged him back and patted his back to comfort him. Iruku placed his hand on Naruto's arm, gently rubbed it, and sat in the empty space next to him. He brushed Naruto's hair and asked softly, "What happened?"

"Sasuke, He- *sob*" 

"He what?" Kiba asked

"He- *sob* He cheated"











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