A great time

59 1 21

Both looked at each other and nodded. Hinata used her Byakugan and Naruto tried to sense any chakra but no use, both got nothing. They tried again before deciding to check downstairs. Both were at halfway to completing the stairs still no track of the intruder, Naruto signaled Hinata to use her Byakugan again, Hinata nodded and did the checking but to their disappointment she sensed nothing. Naruto sighed and signaled her to follow, they were on the 1st floor now, and still nothing.


Naruto looked at Hinata who was already looking at him with confusion written on her face, both were confused as they were sure that they heard something broken down here. He looked ahead and decided to check the rooms and the bathroom. Naruto entered the first room, one of the guest rooms at the end of the corridor in front of the bathroom 

But nothing. 

The bathroom 


The toilet 

Still nothing 

And the last room 3 in one

It was dark as it was already past 19 and the lights were off both walked toward the windows in hopes of at least catching a sign of the intruder. Both were looking outside when Suddenly the lights turned on, both quickly turned around and


Both were shocked and looked around to find Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Choji, Gaara, Lee, Kankuro, Sai, Tenten, Temari, Ino, Guy Sensei, Kurenai Sensei, Teuchi, Kakashi Sensei, and in the middle of them was Iruku Sensei with a cake on his hands.

"What are you guys doing here?" Naruto asked still in shock.

"We all are here to celebrate!!!" Kiba said while warping his arm on Naruto's shoulders, bringing him in front of Iruku Sensei.

"What celebrate??? And how did I not sense your chakras???" Naruto asked 

"Well... You got your own house now, so we decided to give you a surprise party."Neji said while warping his hands around Tenten's waist.

"And about why you did not sense our chakras..." Shino said, letting his boyfriend finish the sentence

"...is because Kakashi Sensei used a jutsu to hide our presence from every ability for at least 10 minutes," Kiba said while standing beside Shino who wrapped his arms around his shoulder.

"And not only because of this but we also want to thank you," Sai said

"Thanks, me?" Naruto asked 

"Yes," Ino said who was side-hugging Sai, whose hand was on her waist

"But Why and for what???" Naruto asked again as it was making nonsense to him 

"For always being there for us," Shika, Kiba, and Choji said remembering the time they spent together 

"For becoming my first friend," Sai said remembering their first meeting

"For showing me the meaning of friendship," Gaara said remembering how Naruto always proved himself to be the best friend Gaara could even dream of.

"For making me feel confident about myself," Ino said remembering the missions where Naruto always made her feel that she was important.

"For showing me what hard work can do," Tenten said remembering the lesson she got by observing him in their mission 

"For proving me wrong," Temari said remembering when Konohamaru almost killed her

"For giving us our kind Gaara back," Kankuro said and instantly got a punch in his head from his big sister and a glare from his brother. 'but what did I say wrong?' he thought while rubbing his head

"For being youthful" Guy and Lee said while punching the air and giving a wired poss

"For making me realize that we can change life with just a little effort," Neji said remembering their first fight

"For understanding me," Shino said

"For being the best student I could even ask for," Kakashi said and Kurenai nodded

"For providing yourself to the village, "Teuchi said

"So, Yeah you deserve this thanks, and also Thanks for being my son," Iruku said 

Naruto looked at them for a while before smiling at them with tears in his eyes and said "Thank you for this and..." He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves "No problem" Everyone smiled at him

"Okay! Okay! Now cut this cake, my hands are hurting" Iruku said making everyone laugh 

Everybody clapped as Naruto cut the cake and gave everyone a piece. The cake was finished and " NOW IT IS ALCOHOL TIME!!!!!" Kiba said "YES!!!!!!!!!!!" said Lee "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK ALCOHOL LEE!!" Neji shouted at him, everybody laughed at pouted Lee.

"You can have orange or Apple juice Lee," Hinata told him

"Thanks, Hinata," Lee said still pouting  which made her giggle at him















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