And you choose...

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Sasuke winced as he slowly opened his eyes, only to shut them tightly again in response to the pounding headache he was experiencing. "Ugh, this headache is going to be the death of me," he muttered to himself.

Abruptly, he felt a presence nearby. Despite knowing that it couldn't be Naruto, who was spending the night at Iruka's house, Sasuke couldn't help but feel someone's proximity. But who could it be?

"Good morning, Sasuke," a voice spoke from behind him. Startled, Sasuke turned around to find Sakura there, a look of regret etched on her face.

Sasuke was taken aback when he saw the girl beside him naked under the blanket. "What the heck are you doing here?" he exclaimed, completely unaware of the situation.

"Do you not remember?" Sakura inquired.

"Ugh, just tell me. I have a splitting headache," he grumbled, clearly frustrated.

Sakura calmly removed the blanket from Sasuke, causing him to react in shock.

"Goodness gracious!" Memories of the previous night began flooding back into his mind one by one. 'No, no, no, no, no, why did I...?' "Remember?" Sakura gently prompted.

"I... I can't believe you knew I was drunk! Why? Why did you do it?!" Sasuke's voice quivered with anger as he confronted Sakura. Unable to respond, Sakura could only hang her head, silently acknowledging that Sasuke's accusation was justified. Tears welled up in her eyes, a silent testament to her guilt.

Without a word, Sasuke abruptly rose from the bed and hastily began to dress. Seeing his actions, Sakura realized what was about to unfold. Hurriedly, she reached for her clothes, struggling to compose herself as she fumbled to put on her pants. But before she could do so,

"Get out" she knew it "but Sasu-" "I SAID GET OUT" "But let me put-" As she struggled to get her words out, Sasuke abruptly seized her wrist and forcefully pulled her downstairs. She was still clutching her pants in her hand as they descended. Upon reaching the living room, they were surprised to find Naruto sitting there.

Naruto's eyes were filled with tears as if he had been crying for hours. He looked at Sakura, who was being held by Sasuke, gripping her wrists tightly. Naruto couldn't bear to look at them and turned away.

As they witness Naruto in such a state, both Sasuke and Sakura are overwhelmed with shame and despair and contemplate taking their own lives. In the midst of it all, Sasuke releases Sakura's wrist and makes his way towards Naruto.

Realizing that her wrist was now free, Sakura hurriedly pulled up her pants, anticipating that Sasuke might hurl her away at any moment.

As someone approached him, Naruto quickly commanded, "Sit." Both individuals obeyed, sitting down and maintaining a distance of 30 meters from Naruto. "Naruto," Sasuke began, but Naruto interjected, demanding, "Explain. Explain everything, and don't lie." As Sasuke began recounting the events from a month ago, Sakura appeared visibly shocked, while Naruto remained silent and maintained his unwavering gaze on them.

Sakura poured her heart out, confessing that her feelings had faded away. Overwhelmed with emotion, she burst into tears. Sasuke's frustration was evident, directed not only towards Sakura but also towards himself. Meanwhile, Naruto remained impassive, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

(a/n)I am not writing that part cause I am lazy (I hope I have explained everything)

Naruto gazed at Sasuke with a mix of anger and disbelief. "And you choose-" but Sasuke interrupted him, desperation in his voice, "No, I didn't, I never did, I can Never, Please!!! Naruto, believe me, I was drunk that time, please." Tears welled up in Sasuke's eyes, on the brink of spilling over.

A chilling, dry laugh broke the silence as Naruto began to laugh uncontrollably. It was laughter tinged with bitterness and resentment, a far cry from his usual jovial demeanour. "You want me to believe that you didn't choose to rebuild your family after SEEING YOU BOTH LIKE THAT?" he scoffed. "I-I was drunk," Sasuke stammered in response. "DRUNK!! Seriously Sasuke! A human never does anything if they never want, or desire it, drunk or not."

(a/n) My mom said this to me and yeah that is true if you think deeply

"I-" Both were left speechless by the truth of the situation. Deep down, they both desired this outcome. For Sasuke, it meant rebuilding his fractured family, while for Sakura, it meant possessing Sasuke for herself, if only once in their lives. When Sasuke moved to comfort Naruto upon hearing his sobs, Naruto recoiled, uttering, "No, don't touch me *sob* I hate you." Those words felt like a crushing blow to Sasuke, the person he loved most, who in turn loved him the most, now rejecting him so vehemently. "I can't *sob* I will never forgive you both," Naruto managed to say, tears streaming down his face. Sasuke and Sakura remained frozen, unsure of how to proceed, while Sakura wept and Sasuke silently sobbed.

After a few minutes, the intense emotions began to ease, and a heavy silence hung in the air.

"Today, I will move out," Naruto declared.


So, How was it??

I hope you enjoy it

I will post after 24 hours till then 


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