The Love Letter And The Meaning of the Story

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My dear Yumi,

From the moment I first saw you, I loved you. I worked hard to till, plant, and water the land for you. All because of my love for you. I am crying now as I hope you read this. I was hurt when you were ashamed of me in front of your friends. I was hurt when I saw that you never read my letters. I was hurt when you chose to be with a man who only deceived you. And I am deeply hurt when you said that you could never love me. I want to help you in your troubles, I want to lighten your burden. I want you to know that even though you have hurt me many times, I am still here, still loving you, and I am willing to give my whole life for my love for you. I love you very much. I hope you notice my love.

With all my love and waiting,

JC (Jesus Christ)

You may have been annoyed or angered by Yumi's actions towards JC, but I want you to know that Yumi means "You and me." Yes, you and me. JC saw you even before you were conceived and loved you. The tilling, planting, and watering symbolize your life, the blessings you receive. Have you thanked God?

Let's admit that many times we have been ashamed of God. We share more soap operas or Wattpad stories than the love of God. Many times, we do not read His daily letter for us, the Bible. We prefer to read pocketbooks, manga, or even stories on Wattpad. Most of all, you always seek true love but end up getting hurt. Why don't you try opening your heart? Love JC instead. You are the reason why He chose to die on the cross, just to prove His love for you. Until when will you disappoint Him? His palms are open, His shoulders are ready as He was nailed to the Cross. He is waiting for you to notice His love for you. He wants to help you with all your burdens and to ease the pain you feel. If you are hurt, He is hurt even more.

Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

If you want to accept the love of JC (Jesus Christ) for you, say this prayer with all your heart:

Lord Jesus, I admit that I have many shortcomings. Many times, I have been ashamed of You, many times I have not read the Bible. Many times, I have sought true love and ignored Your love. I regret all my sins against You. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Savior. You will reign in my life. From now on, I will not be ashamed of You, I will share Your love. From now on, I will read Your Word, the Bible. From now on, I will follow You. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

All Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

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