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After two days:

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling estate, the family stirred from their slumber, excitement buzzing in the air. Today was the day they had been eagerly anticipating – the start of their adventure to Greece.

With a flurry of activity, they gathered their belongings and made their way to the awaiting limousine that would transport them to the airport. Lavinia, still groggy from sleep, rubbed her eyes and snuggled into Alessandro's arms.

Alessandro slightly smiled and caresses her head , he laid her on his lap with her little feet on aziel , who caressed it while doing his work on his laptop.

As they pulled up to the airport, they were greeted by the screaming paparazzi and blinding flash lights. Alessandro quickly hid lavinia's little body in his long trench coat so her sleep  won't get disturbed and Ofcourse to not traumatise her.

Though it was usual thing for the rest of the Marino's but Lavinia don't have a single idea of her family's power.

Isabella nodded at her boys to get ready to which they smirked and put their sun glasses on. She rolled her eyes at her style freak sons.

On Alessandro's instructions their  bodyguards opened their doors , aziel was the first one to exit hands locked with Isabella, while rowan and Luca posed for the cameras and Kian held Alex so he won't get scared as he's just 6.

Isabella motioned for Alex to come to her as her motherly instincts know he was anxious.

Alex quickly ran towards her and hugged her, she caressed his hair and kissed his forehead and they started to make their way inside.

Alessandro was the last one to exit with Lavinia, so that he can attract less attention. He was surrounded by his bodyguards quickly.

Lavinia hearing the loud screams of paparazzi , whimpered and hugged Alessandro more tightly. On sensing Lavinia scared he held her more tightly and quickly made his way inside.

Though the paparazzi were not so keen enough to give some space to him. They bombarded him with questions, their voices clamoring for attention.

"Mr. Marion, is it true you're planning a lavish vacation in Greece?"

"Alessandro, can you confirm the rumors about your latest business venture?"

" is it true Mr. Marino that you are getting divorce?"

Alessandro's eyes darken hearing him, he turned and glared at the reporter hard who shrinked back trying to hide himself, alessandro looked at his guards keenly who nodded their head quickly getting his unsaid order.

They discreetly dragged the reporter away, though the reporter tried to shout for help but before that he could do so he lost his consciousness.

Alessandro smirked at other reporters who stepped aside giving him the way. He smirked at them walked inside like a king with Lavinia who was now awake drooling on his shirt , and trying to eat it. She gave him her two toothy smile.

He smiled at her and pecked her hair, making everyone awe at their bonding. Though thier moment was captured by boisterous reporters whose camera were now flashing non stop. No doubt they both will be going to be the headlines tomorrow if not now.

In all these fiasco, alessandro insured that Lavinia was well hidden from the prying eyes of the public, he knew how cheap minded people are. Who wouldn't think twice before criticising even a small toddler.

And Alessandro knew if anything like that happened then he won't be able to stop himself from finding each and every one of them and killing them mercilessly.

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