|Chapter Twenty Three| Heather

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[Heather]: Wishes will come true

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[Heather]: Wishes will come true


I let out a loud breath, my unstable feet giving off and making me slide down to the floor the second my door is separating me from Connor.




I can hear my blood run in my veins, the sound almost deafening, can feel my heart protest under my chest as if trying to burst out and run back right into Connor's arms.

Even though I acted so brave and unbothered, inside I was on fire. I am still on fire. Connor has just touched me, my first love gave me my first orgasm with a man and it was nothing short of perfect even though it was right on top of my staircase.

My heart beating loudly in my chest, I press my ear against the door. I can't hear anything on the other side, facing total silence, and yet I know he's still there. I can feel his presence in a way I can't quite understand myself.

It's like an invisible string, tying my soul to his. It's always been like this. Even when we were kids and he'd be away I could sense him in a way I couldn't explain.

In a space full of people I would always gravitate toward him, sometimes subconsciously without even finding his face. I'd have dreams about him, that I'd later learn meant something.

I imagine that's how you'd feel if you found your soulmate...

Connor would go as far as Germany and break his leg and I'd see him in my dream. He'd be depressed and my heart would be restless. But after I stopped taking his calls and answering his letters, it slowly faded...

I cut the string and couldn't feel it even when we met again, not until tonight.

Has being so close and intimate with him just a minute ago brought it all back?

Is our invisible string, the red thread intertwining our destinies together restored now?

Narrowing my eyes as if it will help me hear him better, I hold my breath and wait for him to do something.

And after another second he does.

He walks away, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the night like a loud scream.

But I only feel the threat tighten.

I'm not letting go of it this time.


Sleep doesn't grace me with its presence the whole night. Nope, sleep has left the chat the second Connor touched me.

I turn and toss, feeling the imprint of his hands on my skin like a ghost. I don't even take a shower, because his scent will disappear, and I hate the idea of it. I want to smell like him the whole time, want to keep his touch as long as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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