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Prizmaltorch was standing on top of a building and taking a breath of fresh air around him.

Prizmaltorch: Another day, another run! And this is even a good day to give these to the Musicons.

Prizmaltorch then pulled out a box and opened it. Inside were, four magical charms that he asked Ladybug to make. Each charm had each member of the musicons' hair colors.

Prizmaltorch: This will be a great present for them!

Prizmaltorch then closed the box and up it back in his hammerspace. The blond hero the boosted off through the city. Prizmaltorch was greeted by the citizens that he passed by, the people in cars and everyone else. Prizmaltorch even saw a turtle surrounded by seagulls and wanted to do something about it.

Prizmaltorch: I've gotta help that turtle!

Prizmaltorch then boosted over, grabbed the turtle and put it in the sea. The turtle happily waved at Prizmaltorch and made a turtle sound which Prizmaltorch understood because of his power to understand animals.  

Prizmaltorch: No issue. I was happy to help.

Prizmaltorch then opened a portal and ran through it on the streets of Paris. Prizmaltorch then got to Scyler's house and detransformed into Karsin then knocked on the door which Scyler's dad answered.

Scyler's Dad: Scyler, Musicons, it's your friend.

Scyler and the Musicons arrived to see this as Scyler hugged her boyfriend.

Scyler: Karsin! It's been a while.

Karsin: I know it has. I wanted to give you and the rest of the Musicons something.

Athera got excited about it.

Athera: What is it?

Karsin: Let's head inside and I'll show you.

The five friends then went inside the house and Karsin pulled out the box then opened it to show the magical charms that he wanted to give to the Musicons.

Ethan: You got magical charms for us?

Karsin: Yep. I asked Ladybug for a favor and she created these for you guys. As a token of friendship.

Ortax: I really appreciate that.

Each of the magical charms were bracelets and each Musicon took the bracelet that was their hair color.

Ethan: These are amazing. With this, we won't have to worry about Shadow Moth at all!

Athera: You could say that again!

Suddenly, a shockwave went through the five friends and the vibe gave them a bit of a hit.

Scyler: Did any of you guys feel that?

Musicons(except Scyler): Yep.

The news then started playing on the tv and the five friends sat down.

Nadja: (from the TV) I, Nadja, the reporter inside the TV, tell you all about the things happening around us. And today, things are going pretty badly, right, Clara?

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 4: Guardians RisingWhere stories live. Discover now