"It's the price of love, Kat. It sucks. And the worst part, is it charges interest." She jokes.

"Okay, Edgar Allen Poe. Shakespeare is shaking in his boats. Get it girl." I joke as I pull away. I snap my fingers, mocking someone cheering a friend on in a sassy tone. But seriously, where'd the poetry come from, Mom? I swear, you think you know someone. I focus on the news.

-Izukus POV-

I get startled awake. Three more days till I have to go to hell. I throw off the covers. I stand up and immediately fall over. My head spins. I rub my knees, trying to ease the pain that sprung upon them. I slowly stand up. My head twirls around. I grab onto the desk for support. I grab some clothes out of my backpack and slowly make my way to the bathroom. I press my hands against the counter to use as a crutch. My eyes blur the lines between awake and asleep. Nausea takes over me. I put on whatever clothes I grabbed, I really have to do laundry. I exit and make a path downstairs. My eyes go cross-eyed for a bit as I try and keep my consciousness. I really don't feel well. I sit on the couch with my head in my hands.

"Hey kiddo, you doing okay? You look awful. Are you sick or something?" Aizawa asks. I try to look at him but my eyes refuse to let that happen as the lights strain my eyes.

"I'm just really fucking dizzy. I woke up and fell because I was so dizzy. I'm just trying to stay awake." I see all the color drain from his face. He goes up to Hizashi.

"Izuku, we're going to the hospital. We need to get you a feeding tube or something." I don't have the energy to reject his words. I stand up, a tad too fast if I do say so myself. My legs wobble and give out. Hizashi catches me as I topple. I hold my pulsing head as strobes of pain surge through. He holds me steady. We make our way to their car. Time goes by in a flash because before I knew it, we were there.

"Come on, kiddo." Aizawa says as he guides me out of the backseat. We walk across the empty parking lot. Me and Hizashi sit in the waiting area. A piercing ring shoots through my ears. My vision fades. My head hits Hizashi's shoulder as I lose consciousness. I wake up a few minutes later in a different room and with a pair of very concerned adults talking to a nurse. I sit up, bringing attention to myself.

"Hey! So we're going to need to check some vitals, run some tests, BMI, etcetera," the kind lady says. I shakely nod.

"Can I see your arm real quick?" I raise my arm. It gets pulled down by gravity though. I raise it once more and rest it on an armrest. She connects a blood pressure cuff to me. The oxygen is slightly low.

"Okay, can we check your weight and height now?" Tears spring to my eyes. I nod. I slowly stand up. She leads us to a separate room. She starts with my height. She smiles. She writes something on the chart: I am 5'4. She points me to the scale. I carefully step on it. She writes it down on her chart: I am 92 pounds. Tears spring to my eyes. One slips down my face. I gently persuade them to stop as I choke down the lump in my throat. I'm shown back to my bed. She exits and I'm left alone. She tells something to the pair.

"Hey, kiddo. I know that was tough. You'll get better." His words offer little comfort to the scenario at hand. I stare down at my lap.

"Kid, I think you should get a feeding tube." He suggests. At first the idea sounds morbid. A tube shoved down my throat, force feeding me calories. But then I warm up to it.

"How many calories would it feed me a day?"

"Probably about 1500 at first. We'd insert it and we'd connect a very tiny bag of caloric content. You can wear a hoodie to school, we can get sicker for it so it'll blend in, if you want. But it'll only be for a bit. Like two or three months." I nod. If it's a step I have to take, then so be it.

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