I think i want more🫀🔥

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hold my hand.. hold it tight
please. i really wanna run away with you tonight.

let us go out to the park and play
at the basketball court
the sun out of our face.

hold me tight, dont let go please.
hold my face and push me close.
please someone make my face glow.

ill open my eyes after a strong enlight.
then we can go to your house and stay
maybe play a game of charades.
then we share the night together.
maybe sleep, under one cover.

please someone bring me back.
i wanna go to your house, around the block
the one that was once mine, now owned by another.
the country is now silent, and nothing like me.

i wanna go to my real home.
i feel so empty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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