Hospital Again

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It was hard to sleep. Again. Kurai's words circled around his head. He knew the little girl was right. Nothing would be the same. They know he has forgotten, they know they have no idea how to get his memories back and that they're just throwing things at the wall.

He turned over to look at Kirishima. He was fast asleep. Today had been everywhere.

He should just stop thinking, he needed to sleep.

He closed his eyes and waited for slumber to grasp him, eventually it did.


Bakugou woke up, but he wasn't in the bedroom. At that realization, he woke up a lot quicker and looked around. He was in...the hospital?

But why? What happened?

Was Kirishima and Kurai okay!?

He sat up quickly, surprising the doctor in the room. His head felt light and he felt very drowsy, but he needed to get to Kirishima. He tried to get up to leave but the doctor held him back. Her lips were moving but nothing was coming out. He thought she was doing on a purpose for a moment before he realized she was speaking and he just couldn't hear her.

He felt that same vulnerabeness he had always felt without his hearing aids and without Kirishima. The words he thought he knew how to pronounce and say regularly were difficult to get out. Was he saying what he thought he was saying? Was he even saying anything?

He didn't open his mouth and she was still talking. He looked at her, making it seem like he was paying attention to whatever she was saying, but in reality he couldn't make out a thing.

When her back was turned he looked around a bit more, getting a better view of the room than just the roof. It wasn't like the last hospital room he was in. The bed was in the center of the room rather than pressed against the wall, and there wasn't a desk with a computer and chair, just a lot more medical equipment.

She turned back around, no longer talking and was looking at him for a response. But he had nothing to say. Even if he did, he would have no idea if he was getting it out properly.

So he just stared at her, and she stared at him in return. She was waiting for an answer she was never going to get. Well, until he got hearing aids back.

Another doctor came into the room and started talking to the other doctor. Again, he couldn't make out what they were saying. They seemed to go back and forth before they turned to him. Were they waiting for him to say something or...?

No, the other doctor who just came in left. The doctor he woke up to just crossed her arms, seemingly waiting for him to come back.

When he did, he had something in his hands. He held his hand out to Bakugou, he had his hearing aids. The female doctor seemed to realize what the problem was.

He took them and put them back in his ears.

"Mr. Bakugou?" The male doctor asked.


They sighed, seemingly relieved that they were finally able to get an answer out of him.

"Okay, first things first, do you know what happened?" The female doctor asked. Something happened?

They must have taken the confusion on his face as a response because the doctor started speaking again:

"Okay," she sighed. "There was an accident with your quirk," she told him.

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