Wrong Husband Story

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He finished everything. He made sure that there was enough for two, maybe even enough for leftovers. He grabbed the breakfast in bed tray, placing Kirishima's food on top of it in an orderly fashion.

He left his food on the counter, he will come back down for it later.

He lifted the tray and began to carefully walk upstairs, go into the bedroom, and placing the tray down. Shaking Kirishima awake, he's honestly surprised he was still asleep.

The redhead stirs awake before the smell of food hit his nose, making him wake up a bit more.

He stares down at the tray in front of him. Platers of food and all for him.

Waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and coffee. He smiled up at Bakugou, not his generic smile that make his fans swoon, a soft smile. One that only his husband could see.

Despite his lack of memory, he was still his husband. We'll, tried to be him. He began eating as Bakugou went back downstairs for his food and came back up with his dishes. He sat down next to Kirishima and began eating as well.

"Thanks for the food," Kirishima finally spoke. "I really like the waffles!" He smiled his true smile, full of sharp teeth.

Bakugou smiled too. Should he make that joke Kirishima made years ago? Nah. That joke is probably old by now. He thought back to what the man on the phone said.

He was wrong. He can't tell Kirishima what the man said. It'd not only break his heart, but it was also a lie. He wanted to be honest with Kirishima about what was going on but, he couldn't find the words to tell him. Or even if he'll believe him. He only remembers the scenes, not the day, the year, all of the itty bitty details that would be essential for truly remembering.

He sighed.

He just needed some more time, some more memories.

They gather their dishes and brought them back downstairs, along with the tray. Placing the dishes in the sink and washing them before putting them in the dishwasher.

Then they went to the living room and decided to watch TV.

"I have to pick up Kurai at noon," Kirishima says. Bakugou, petting Red, had hummed.

"I want to know more about her," the blond said. "W-Wha--- How did we get her...in the first place?" He asks. Kirishima sighs. That's not good...

"A year ago...almost two...we had gotten a lead to a villain's hideout," he began.

"He wasn't very...high ranked, but a villain off the streets is a villain off the streets," he chuckled, but it died early.

"He had a quirk that controlled technology, he could basically hack into anything by just touching it," he waved his arms around to really tell the tale. "He was really smart as well, he had quirk deactivation rooms," he explained.

"After Aizawa, a former teacher at UA and hero, retired" he explained, "he gave his DNA in order to make these rooms so that villain's could easily be interrogate and kept in jail without any issues," he continued.

"He had Kurai, we aren't sure how or why...he just did," Kirishima sighed. "I was able to get through to her...and she helped us out and helped us arrest him."

Bakugou looked at him intensely, taking everything in.

"I promised her that I would find a good home for her..." He explained, "but we weren't able to find any family members..."

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