413 19 4

venice, california
april 18, 2024

"raelynn cmon, we're gonna be late!" i called out from the foyer.

"i know, i know!" she yelled from her room. "i'm just putting on my shoes!"

i scrolled my phone as i waited for her to come downstairs. she came out of her room and rushed down the stairs, wearing a white long sleeve cropped top, a brown mini skirt and black heels, her hair had been done up and her makeup had been done perfectly. "how do i look?" she asked.

"so beautiful..." i said with a soft smile.

raelynn's eyes sparkled as she smiled. "thank you, you look really nice too, 'laine." she said before she grabbed her little purse from the couch and walked out of the house with me following right behind.

for the entire fourty minute drive to downtown we played sza's 'sos' album. raelynn had her window rolled down the window as the warm la air blew through the car. she sang along to sza's songs, which made me smile. i was glad to see her out of the house, and enjoying herself.

when we made it to the venue, there was barely any street parking as everyone had already parked, which was expected. "where do i park.." i muttered to myself, turning the music down so i could focus.

"i suggest finding parking down a few blocks and we can walk...i just don't wanna pay for parking." raelynn suggested, i nodded in agreement as i drove around until i found some street parking about four minutes away.

we got out of the car and walked the short distance to the venue, as soon as we made it to the venue we noticed the crowds of paparazzi and photographers around taking photos of the guests.

feeling overwhelmed, raelynn and i made our way inside the venue. the venue was big, and beautiful. the tables on each side of the stage were being occupied by staff dressed in black. many of the people were influencers, celebrities, models, and solana's family and close friends. they were all chatting amongst each other as servers walked around with serving trays of drinks and appetizers.

"let me know if you see dominic...i don't know if he's here yet." i said to raelynn.

she nodded as she looked around the room. "there are a lot more celebrities than i was expecting..." she said to me. her eyes were wide and she had a happy look on her face.

before i could respond, solana walked on stage snd began speaking into the mic, thanking everyone for coming. i stared at her in awe as she spoke, i truly adored and respected her.

solana then smiled at the audience and nodded. "i want you guys to really enjoy the music of this deluxe and to just listen to the words and just be one with it all." she said, concluding her speech. once she made her final point she walked off the stage.

i looked at my phone to see it was now 10:30. "where is dom? it's 10:30..." i complained to raelynn.

"maybe he's running late?" raelynn suggested to which i nodded. that was probably the case. i tried hard not to think about it though.

"you have your eye on anyone?" i asked raelynn.

she looked around the room. she then pointed at someone. "him" she said. i looked the man she was pointing to, he was really handsome. he had brown eyes, and a kind face. he was tall and he was talking to a few people.

"isn't that?" i narrowed my eyes "steve lacy?"

raelynn gasped loudly. "it is. i love steve lacy, he's so hot..." she said to me. i laughed at her and shook my head knowingly.

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