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Thoughtful action would be required for the next several paces. Sky knew this.

If someone sees them somewhere unusual, that person will inquire about their plans. If not to them. Then to Sage or Uncle Echo—who was going to be a whole other obstacle to get past once they got to the marked trails.

It was early enough that most of the tribe members scattered around tables, occupied with their morning meals.

"If anyone asks, we have to run an errand for Uncle Echo before studies. That'll get us across the bridge. But once we get to Uncle Echo's workshop, we're going to have to be really careful. Okay?" Sky spoke out the side of her mouth, trying not to look suspicious.

Solan nodded.

Knuckles chippered.

And without stopping for food, the three of them continued through the entrance, unacknowledged.

In an irate fashion, Sage's feet pounded against the red dirt as he followed behind Clay. Out of nowhere, he felt an overwhelming sadness for his mom. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. Which made him feel guilty. As if he was letting go of her memory because it had been so long since he'd even let himself think of her.

Which was weird, as Sky is a spitting image of their mother.

What would she say right now? He wondered.

To him.

To his father.

He wondered all the time what she might say to Sky. But rarely what she might say to them.

"I'm sorry we woke you up like this." a genuine apology from Clay, who was walking next to him, interrupted Sage's moment.

"I'm sorry about River." He retorted.

"I remember taking the sacred plant. That was an intense experience. We were to take it only with guidance from a Wise One during our adult-trials. I wonder what he plans to do with all of it." Clay said, reflecting on the intense memory of his test.

"They'll give him visions of my mom."

Both of them fell silent.

Ahead was a path taken as a pre-celebratory walk to The Trials Hut; the place Wise Ones conducted Adult-Trials.

The overcast sky created a gray, gloomy hue over the island. Walking side by side, they could feel the moisture in the air as rain clouds formed overhead. The trees came alive with the sound of birdsong as flocks of feathered creatures produced a wave of movement in the sky.

"Thanks for coming to get me," Sage said.

"He's in a lot of trouble." Clay informed him clearly.

"I'm sure."

"Larimer wants to seclude him."

"... I'm sure." Sage shook his head, disappointment written all over his face.

What would mom say? He pondered silently.

As soon as Sky, Knuckles, and Solan crossed the bridge, they were in stealth mode.

Sky spoke in a quiet whisper. "We need to get past the shop without Uncle Echo seeing us. If he does, he'll send us to studies."

Solan nodded his head.

"I heard Cole say he was going to the forest with mid-guards. So we need to watch out for them, too."

Solan nodded again.

Sky peeked out from where they were hiding. She could not spot her uncle, but suspected he would be on high alert because of the current circumstances.

"I don't see him." She whispered to Solan as she returned to their hiding spot.

Solan directed attention to a thick path of bamboo that bordered the river.

"We could go that way. It's gonna take longer. So let's hurry."

The loud creeks masked their movements as they continued to sneak forward.

Off in the distance, Uncle Echo prepared for his day with heightened awareness. When Cole and a few mid-guards passed by, they warned him about his brother's actions.

A strong sense of disgust overcame him. The depth of his emotions towards River was indescribable.

This is a new low. He thought. "What's gotten into him?" Uncle Echo said to himself as he continued setting up saw horses near the entrance of the trails.

"There's no way he's crazy enough to come this way, but just in case..."

Calculating each stride to the next bundle of bamboo tree stalks proved effortless for the sneaky trio. To the side of them, Uncle Echo's preparations for the day came into view. And Sky stopped as she began second guessing how they might have to enter the trails.

She turned to Solan to adjust the plan. "We'll have to go off trail. He's too close to the entrance."

Her requests on this journey were becoming increasingly dangerous. With a questioning look, she locked eyes with Solan, hoping he would offer some insight.

There was no response. He waited for her to continue.

She nodded her head. Knuckles chippered. They pressed on, heading towards the rainforest, with the sun barely visible.

Both Sage and Clay felt a nostalgic sensation creep over them as the Trials Hut came into view.

Winter solstice had just begun, it would be awhile before summer. And Wise Ones with their apprentices would bring the island's fifteenth cyclers to hold another trial.

Clay grinned. "Remember how terrified we were that day?"

Sage chuckled. "We were fine. Cole was a mess."

They both laughed as they reminisced about him having to stop several times to hurl because his stomach was in knots.

Clay opened the curtain of the Trials Hut. Light streamed in through the windows, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere. The room was dusty, but it had a certain charm. In the center, there were cushions arranged around a large, short wooden stump. Sage walked to it and picked up a carved statue of Garnet at its center, next to several red candles.

He gently brushed his finger across its trunk.

When Sage turned his head, an extraordinary creature's fierce stare confronted him, before it flapped its wings and turned into the majestic monarch butterfly.

"Did you see that?" He jerked his head in Clay's direction, who was now tidying up a corner of the hut.

"See what?"

"You didn't see it?" Sage asked in disbelief.

"See what?"

"The butterfly."

"What butterfly?" Clay said with frustration.

"I have to go to The Almandine Shrine!" Sage exclaimed as he dropped Garnet.

He was certain Sky was already on her way. And sprinted with desperation, leaving Clay in the corner of the Trials Hut.

"What is happening?" he looked around the empty room.

Book I: GarnetKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat