Chapter 15

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Michael's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. I have been lying down facing the ceiling for what feels like hours, and everything hurts. My head is pounding so hard I don't even want to look at my phone. I feel the same, if not worse than I did last night.

I eventually get the energy to get up and go downstairs, although I don't feel like eating whatsoever. I grip onto the railing on my way down the stairs, feeling extremely hungover and dizzy. Thankfully I don't need to face my parents like this right now because they're out shopping. I already looked outside my bedroom window and made sure they were out. The last thing I need is more questions.

As I somehow make my way to the kitchen table, not even sure how I'm moving my legs, I see Kimberly sitting down with her back facing me and eating breakfast. She turns around at the sound of my footsteps, and I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the amount of questions she's about to ask me.

"Jesus, you look even worse today than you did last night. How much did you drink?" she says. I can't tell if she's trying to make fun of me or if she's actually concerned.

"Fuck off," I groggily reply, "It's a party, how can you not drink?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just not an alcoholic unlike some people I know," She teases with her hands up in defense.

I roll my eyes and sit down at the other side of the table, facing her. God, she looks just like me. It freaks me out sometimes.

"So, care to tell me what happened between you and Brooklyn? Who broke up with who?" she asks as she twirls the spoon in her cereal, suddenly acting like a caring sibling.

"It's none of your business," I start, then pause before muttering, "She broke up with me." I might as well tell her, It's not that serious anyway.

"It's better for you. I never liked Brooklyn, I always thought something was off about her. You know that," she says reassuringly, her green eyes staring into my soul, "Anything else happen?"

"Nope," I bluntly replied. I refuse to tell her anything about Taylor. It isn't any of her business to know how much of a dumbass I am. If she finds out what I said to Taylor that night, she would probably refuse to talk to me ever again.

"Ugh, you're so lame," Kim scoffs, for once in her life seemingly giving up on interrogating me. How odd of her.

"I'm gonna go back up," I quickly say as I get up from my seat and start walking.

"You're not even gonna eat anything?" She calls out as I'm already halfway up the stairs. I feel so sick to my stomach right now.

I close the door to my room and walk over to my nightstand. Even though I'll probably feel worse going on my phone, the temptation is killing me. Taylor could have texted me, even though I know the chances of that are very slim.

I pick up my phone to a surprising text.

Brooklyn ❤️: Sorry Michael, I just had to text you. Your sister will find out about our deal soon enough, just get it out of the way and tell her. Sorry about how abrupt our talk last night was, it's just for the best. I can't keep faking this relationship anymore.

I don't know if I should take the part about my sister as a threat or not. I cringe at the heart emoji next to her name, I really need to get rid of that. I only put it there so Kimberly wouldn't get suspicious if she were to see my phone. How am I even supposed to reply to this?

Me: I'll say something to her eventually. You're right, it is for the best. Sorry about everything

I finally deleted the heart from her name and started scrolling through social media. I never expected her to develop feelings for me, and that definitely wasn't my intention. I start aimlessly looking through my instagram feed, trying to entertain myself.

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