Chapter 13

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Michaels POV

My whole body is numb and I feel like I can barely move. But somehow I'm walking, slowly pushing through the crowds at this stupid party. I just want to go home.

After what felt like an hour of walking, I found a bathroom and locked myself in it. (MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM BY HIMSEEEEEELF)

I hold my head in my hands and recap what just happened. I've been calling John the asshole this whole time, but he probably treats Taylor better than I ever did. What is wrong with me? She's supposed to be my best friend, although I don't think she considers me as that anymore after what I said to her. As if I wasn't already fucking things up.

John's probably with her right now. He's always wanted her.

Then it hit me like a brick wall. He's always wanted her, ever since I met her. Oh my God.

I used to post stuff online a lot in middle school, (specifically Instagram) and of course, since John and I were still friends at the time even though I switched schools, he would see every single post I made. Then I met Taylor, and my Instagram account became filled with videos and photos of us since we were always together. It was like our electronic diary.

That's when he started acting weird. We used to hang out at his place a lot since we could no longer see each other in school, but then he suddenly started making excuses to not see me once I started posting about Taylor. He also only liked the posts that featured Taylor in them, but of course I was too naive at the time to realize what he was doing. I thought he just so happened to only see my photos and videos with Taylor as opposed to whatever else I would upload.

Soon I had stopped posting and archived all my uploads, and that's when John immediately unfollowed and blocked me on every social media platform we had been friends on. I just assumed he didn't want to be friends anymore, but little did I know it went deeper than that. I remember Taylor asking me if I knew a John because he tried to add her on Snapchat. I lied and said I didn't because I was really pissed off at him. Even though I didn't like some of the things he did, he was my friend and he had ditched me for what I thought was over nothing at the time. He never added her to Instagram though, which proves that he didn't want to be too obvious about watching Taylor through my posts.

But now it makes sense. He wanted her all along. That's why he still had me added, otherwise I don't think he valued our friendship all that much.

That sneaky bastard. I can't believe I just pieced that together now.

Without thinking, I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at the blank screen for a good minute. I haven't logged in to that Instagram account in years, but I remember the username and password by heart.

I open up Instagram and take a deep breath before logging in for the first time in forever. I don't think I'm prepared for the amount of memories that are about to punch me in the face.

My username was just my name, and my password was taylorrrrr0207, which was Taylor's username at the time. We agreed to change the password for her after I archived all of our posts so she could still login whenever she wanted. I still remember her telling me that her username has her birthday in it, May 2nd, 2007. I thought it was so clever how she put five r's in her name to state her birth month.

Once I'm in the account, I go into my post archives and scroll down to my first post with Taylor. It was a photo of us, and God do I remember that day so clearly. It was my first day at a new school, and the first day we met.


It's my first day in middle school, and I'm so lost. I confusingly look from my schedule to the room numbers while walking down what feels like a never ending hallway. (The year is 2019 and life is good)

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