Raccoon Twenty-Six

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The match was already getting crazy! 

Baron was doing his best keeping his partner alive with as many cure spells as he could manage, draining his magic points over and over again as Renegade cut through their opponents one by one. 

The man was thankfully keeping a close eye on his magic points and whenever one of their opponents tried to distract them so that the other could sneak around and kill him, Renegade would easily intercept them. 

He really is very good. 

Rexy yawned in his lap where he'd settled a few moments ago. 

It's very hard to make him upset, too, since he just plays for fun. Don't worry about making mistakes, King thought to him.  

That made Baron a little less nervous as he casted a paralysis spell on one opponent before sending a high power cure spell to Renegade. 

The man was fighting using mostly ranged weapons, with the most interesting one being a set of chains. He had multiple versions of push-back abilities, which sent his opponents flying away from him, then he'd hook them with a chain and slam them into whatever surface he wished. 

Once the target opponent's feet were off the ground, they were at Renegade's mercy. 

It was honestly a really cool set of skills. 

Most people don't use chains as their main weapon because it's really hard to get the combos correct, but he's a master at them. 


Baron watched as another one of their opponents, the healer, was slammed into a tree, their remaining hit points dropping to zero in an instant. 

 So cool...

He was just staring at the dissipating enemy's body when a chain suddenly wrapped around his waist, yanking him backwards and out of reach of an oncoming attack just in time to save his hide! 

"Careful hun," Renegade said calmly as he wrapped his second chain around the other player's neck, then yanked it back abruptly, dealing critical damage and stunning them long enough for Baron to cast one of his few remaining high damage spells, inferno. 

"Good job," Renegade said as they watched their opponent fall to the ground. 

Baron nodded and immediately got busy setting his buffs back up. Once he was done Renegade added an invisible spell to him, then sent him a message on their private text channel. 

Renegade: Stay right there, I'm going to push one of them towards you. 

Baron read over the text, then nodded again as he did as told. 

Get a binding spell ready, these guys are still a lot stronger than you with your current gear, King thought to him as Rexy climbed back up against his chest.  

Baron immediately did as told, and added a gravity one, too, just in case. 

Soon enough there was a marker showing up on his radar, approaching quickly. 

Just one? Isn't Renegade leading him here? 

King replied immediately, he's probably using a cloning technique. Controlling two people at the same time isn't something most can manage, but he's very good at it. 

Right as King finished his thought a copy of Renegade bolted past him, making Baron immediately focus his full attention on the person that burst out of the underbrush in front of him a moment later! 

The bind spell that he cast a second later, however, was fully resisted, leaving his invisible spell to fall off. 

"Oh crap!" he gasped out as he quickly switched to casting gravity!

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