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I played the piano and it seems I didn't forget how it worked.

I really liked the melody I was playing.

"What the hell!"I got startled by Sunghoon's voice who was walking straight to me.

"Uhm...your home already?"I was puzzled when he got me up.

"I don't like someone touching what isn't theirs!"He seemed mad which confused me.

"B-but...I'm your w-wife."I said as he took some white cloth and covered the piano.

He grabbed me by wrist with a tight grip.

"So what?!"The way he looked at me send shivers through my body.

I've never seen anyone look at me the way he did and I gulped at that moment.

"I...I'm s-sorry."I felt scared.

He had tightened his grip around my wrist as I showed through my expression that it hurt.

He realized and immediately let go.

"Ahh...j-just don't touch my piano...actually just leave this room,I'll get you another room instead."He said.

"Another room?"I asked.

"Just leave this room right now,there is also a room you can store your things in."He said and I didn't want to see that look again so I walked out of the room to our bedroom.

I was holding on to my wrist till I looked at it.

"Wow it's already swollen,why couldn't he be gentle when holding me?"I questioned myself feeling a bit upset.

I sat on the bed thinking it through and calmed down.

"He's my husband and I should understand his anger and this doesn't seem right,was he upset that I touched his piano or because I was in his room?"I questioned myself rubbing my wrist to relieve the pain.

I took a shower and got dressed up in my pyjamas.

I thought today I could watch a movie,I was going downstairs to go make popcorn but...

"Uhm...is he still in that room?"I questioned myself.

I was about to go to the room when Jay stopped me.

"Mrs Y/N,your husband said that you shouldn't look for him,he will be back."Said Jay.

"Where did he go then?"I questioned.

"He just walked outside for a moment,I don't actually know but he told me that."Jay said looking down.

"Uhm...okay tell him I'll be watching a movie in the theater room,now I'm going to make popcorn."I said.

"Ohh that I will acknowledge him."Jay gave a smile and walked downstairs to go outside of the mansion.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I began making my popcorn and thought of adding Sunghoon.

"I hope he would like a movie night."I smiled to myself.

The popcorn looked nice and smelled nice.

I made them separate because I didn't know what kind of Popcorn does Sunghoon like.

Mine I added some chocolate inside.

I took the popcorn and walked upstairs and then took another upstairs stairs to walk through the hallway to enter a room that had stairs that led down.

It was not too dark and was kind of pretty.

I put the popcorn down to take a seat.

I was seating down when one popcorn fell to the mat and I knew Sunghoon hated germs and dirt so I had to pick it up.

When I got down on my knees I saw an earing under the theater couch.

For me to see it it sparkled.

I picked it up.

The earing was pretty and seemed to be made out of gold.

I wondered what was happening and why would there be a woman's thing here.

"Or maybe Sunghoon has female friends I don't know about...I should ask him."I thought to myself if it was even a good idea.

But then I thought of asking later.

I took the earing putting it in my pyjamas pocket.

I sat down to choose a movie to watch.

"Would Sunghoon like horror,action,fantasy or romance?"I wondered and I was more of romance and fantasy.

"So we are watching a movie?"Asked Sunghoon walking inside the theater room.

I smiled to see that he really came.

"Yes,I made popcorns for you,I thought you might love them."I said.

"Ohh...okay thank you."Sunghoon seemd like someone who is hard to understand for me.

I was just surprised to how he can be rude,cold some other time and then change his attitude in a minute.

I was grateful though.

He sat close to me but there was huge gap space between us.

He ate the popcorn.

I was surprised when he began eating mine with chocolate In it.

"Ahh I thought you didn't like chocolate."I said.

"I don't like it,I just wanted to taste."He said seating comfortably.

"I choose a horror zombie movie."I said.

"Uhm...I love horror movies."He said and I was surprised that he seemed a bit too nice here which was something I'm not getting used to.

I couldn't stop blushing everytime he made eye contact with me.

I decided to focus on the movie.

While we were watching he didn't even seem scared or reacted to the zombies biting people.

I was the only one who was scared that even my popcorns fell out which I thought Sunghoon will get frustrated about.

He kept picking them up with his gloves  and putting them In the little dustbin close to us.

I got scared at some jump scared scene that I accidentally put my arms on Sunghoon's chest.

I looked at my arms on his chest then looked at him who made eye contact with me giving a cold expression but damn he looked sexy with his hairstyle.

My heart beat fast I immediately let go.

"What was the meaning of that?"He asked which made me shiver.

"Uhm...I got scared so my mistake."I said and I noticed a little smirk.

I then tried to focus back on the movie.

Every moment I kept watching the movie I couldn't shake the feeling that he might maybe be looking at me.

Finally the movie ended and I was about to get up when he got up first.

"I'm going to take a shower."He said walking out.

I was left breathless to what just happened.

I even remembered I forgot to ask about the earing I found.

I went to our room to sleep because I was sleepy and thought of asking the next day.~

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